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~~*Chapter 12*~~

At noon a few days later, Tommy met them at the airport in Phoenix.

“I hope to hell that my bike is here safe & in one piece!” was the first words out of Sully’s mouth, as they walked into the luggage claim.

“Don’t worry about it. It arrived yesterday afternoon, along with the other three. Tony will ride with me back to the hotel so you two can ride together. What luggage did you bring?”

“We just have one large dufflebag & Lexi’s camerabag should have made it with the bike. I was told this wouldn’t take more than a day or so,” Sully answered.

“That’s what I was told, too. And yes, Lexi, your camerabag made it safely. We don’t have to be at the shoot til tomorrow morning, so you can rest for the rest of the day. Lexi, you ok? You look kinda pale,” Tommy asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just had to take something to help me relax for the flight. I hate flying; it makes me very nervous,” she tried explaining.

“Ya, but that tea didn’t relax you enough. My hand is killing me!” Sully laughed lightly, kissing her cheek and wrapping his arm around her. He then picked up their bag as it came around on the luggage carousel and put it on his other shoulder. “I need a cigarette after that flight from hell and I want a few hours’ sleep; we’ve been up since about 3:30 this morning. Let’s go,” he said, as he & Alexis followed Tommy outside.

They walked outside to find Tony sitting with the bikes. As they walked up, Tony got up & hugged Alexis. “Good to see ya made it ok. Sully said you hated to fly.”

“Hate it with a passion! If I didn’t have to fly, I wouldn’t! But all I want to do is go to the hotel or wherever & try to get some sleep!” she said.

“That we can do, Baby Girl! Come on, climb on,” Sully said, helping her onto the back of his bike after lighting his cigarette. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on the back of his shoulder as they gunned the engines & left the airport.

Once at the hotel, Sully led a half-asleep Alexis in to their room. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Sully sighed as he looked at her. She did look paler than usual. “You have the right idea, baby,” he mumbled, as he pulled the curtains closed to shut out the bright light of the Arizona afternoon. He then crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around her, falling asleep immediately.

They were rudely awakened at 5 in the afternoon by the shrill ringing of the phone.

“Dammit! I can’t believe I didn’t turn the damn thing off before coming to bed!” Sully grumbled, reaching for the phone. Alexis just moaned loudly, throwing the pillow over her head.

“What?” Sully growled into the phone.

“Did I wake you guys? Sorry. We were just wondering if ya’ll wanted to go grab an early dinner & play a few games of pool in the game room?” Tommy asked.

“Yes, you did wake us & no, we don’t want to join you tonight. Maybe tomorrow night, ok?” Sully offered.

“Sounds fine. Sorry for waking you, man.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll see ya tomorrow morning, ok?”

“Sure thing,” Tommy said, hanging up the phone.

Sully hung up the phone and turned back to Alexis, putting his arm back around her. He sat up quickly when he heard her whimper. “Lexi! What is it, baby?”

“My head is killing me!” she whimpered.

“Damn! Hang on. Let me get something for that.” He got out of the bed carefully and went to their bag. He pulled a few items out, then smiled triumphantly when he found the small travel kit that Alexis had packed.

“I think I’m gonna be sick!” Alexis said, running to the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

Sully didn’t even try to follow her. He went to the small kitchen area & started to heat some water for a tea. While waiting for the water to boil, he mixed the herbs needed, then put the small box to the side.

Alexis came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and Sully helped her lay back down, then went back into the kitchen to get the water.

After the water boiled & the tea had steeped, he turned off the light and walked back to the bed and knelt down beside her side of the bed. “Lexi, honey. I know you don’t feel good, but this should help with the headache & the nausea. I need you to drink this.” He helped her sit up and held her as she quickly drank the warm tea.

She shuddered from the aftertaste, “Yuck! That was some kinda nasty, Sully!”

“I know, but it should help. Lay back down. You want me back in bed?”

“Yes, please. I’d feel better if you just held me.”

“That I can do, Baby, that I can do.”

Sully took the mug and put it in the sink, then climbed into the bed, carefully pulling Alexis to him as they both fell asleep again.