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~~*Chapter 13*~~

At the video shoot the next morning, the director went over the whole concept. Sully agreed to it & they began the shoot.

There were several times that Sully seemed to be looking past everything or looking into the distance. When Alexis asked him what was wrong, he said that everything was fine.

During a break that afternoon though, he pulled Alexis off to the side. “Do you sense it, or is it just the heat playing tricks on me? Or am I getting too deep into the concept of this video?” he asked.

She looked up at him, seeing the slightly haunted look in his eyes. She closed her eyes & took a deep cleansing breath, concentrating. When she looked up at him, she spoke quietly. “You aren’t imagining it, baby; I feel it too. We can talk about it later, tho, if ya want?”

“Yeah. I definitely need to talk about what I’ve felt the last couple hours,” he said as they walked back to the rest of the group to finish up the shoot.

That evening at dinner in the hotel restaurant, Sully and Alexis asked if the others had sensed anything odd at the shoot. None of them had.

“Are you sure it wasn’t the heat, Sully? It can play tricks on you. In that kind of heat, you were probably seeing a mirage or something,” Tony said.

“I don’t call THIS a mirage, Tony,” Alexis said, putting a picture down in front of him. It showed Sully standing in the small room where he was to come face-to-face with the ‘Scorpion King’. Behind him was a faint image of a winged goddess, her wings outstretched, as if protecting him from something. Slightly to the left was a shadowy image that had no real shape.

“No one was standing in that area to throw that shadow,” she said, pointing to the indistinct shadow. “This I can’t even begin to explain. Sully & I both felt uneasy today, not to mention the fact that I had a killer migraine yesterday afternoon for no apparent reason.”

“Well, the flight probably did that to you, Lexi,” Tommy said.

“No, it didn’t. I’ve flown many times & I never had that problem. Stress can give me one sometimes, but nothing as bad as yesterday. The tea that Sully made helped for about only an hour, where it should’ve gotten rid of it completely. This,” she said pointing again to the picture, “worries me to no end. I’m just glad ya’ll are done with the shoot & we go home.”

“I thought you two were staying til Monday?” Tony asked.

“Not after this,” Sully said. “I got a refund for our tickets for the return flight & we are riding the bike back to Florida. It’s a long ride, but we both don’t want to fly after this. I just have a bad feeling about it, that’s all.”

“Ok. When are you leaving?” Tommy asked.

“Early tomorrow morning. We’ll be gone before you are even thinking about getting out of bed!” Alexis laughed.

“Well, damn! I was hoping to see if ya’ll wanted to play a few games of pool, but I guess that’s out of the question.”

“I’m afraid it is. When ya’ll get back, come over & we’ll have a cookout. Or we can go out & play pool. How do you like that idea, Tommy? Sound ok to you?” Alexis asked.

“Sounds like a good plan to me, Lexi! Damn, I’m glad you decided to stick around us for a while!”

She turned & smiled at Sully, “Me, too!” she said as Sully leaned in for a small kiss.

“Me too!” Sully said, breaking the kiss momentarily, then bent again for another kiss.