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~~*Chapter 2- New Orleans – July 2nd*~~

At 12:30 p.m., Alex turned the volume down on the stereo as she walked over & picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Alex, are you ready for an adventure?” Lynn asked.

“Lynn! Where are you?”

“Stuck in a cab, in lunch hour traffic, about ten minutes from your place. I hope you haven’t eaten lunch yet; I’m starved!”

“As a matter of fact, I have been too busy this morning packing to have even thought about food. When you get here, we’ll walk to Pat O’Brien’s & get some lunch, ok?”

“Sounds great! See you soon! And do I have some great news for you about the new studio! You are gonna love it!” Lynn said, laughing. “I can’t wait to show you the pictures of the storefront & the pictures of the beach house!”

Fifteen minutes later, Alex opened her door & helped Lynn with her suitcase. “Let’s put this in the guest room & then we can get going. I called Pat’s & got them to reserve a table,” Alex said.

“Great; at least we won’t have to wait for one. I hope you got one on the patio, I don’t want to be inside for at least a couple hours!”

The two friends walked the four and a half blocks to Pat O’Brien’s for their lunch and to talk about their upcoming ‘roadtrip’.

After the waiter took their orders & walked off to get their drinks, Lynn asked, “How about a ‘Girl’s Night Out’ on the 4th? You up to it?”

“Sure, why not? Where did you have in mind?”

“House of Blues, 7 p.m. There’s a GodSmack tribute band playing & I want to get a few pictures for an article,” Lynn explained.

“Sounds great! Too bad it isn’t the real thing though; I hated it that I couldn’t go see them when they came through,” Alex said.

“Yeah, too bad,” Lynn said, smiling to herself.

“Anyway! Let me see those pictures you were telling me about. I’ll just be so glad when I finally get there & get everything settled! I hate moving, but I know I need to do this! I just wish it were a lot simpler!”

Lynn reached into her purse, bringing out the photos & handing them to Alex. “Here ya go. It’s great! The studio is about ten minutes away from the beach house you bought.” Lynn explained. “And don’t worry about finding an expensive interior decorator for the house or studio – I have a friend that does that on the side; she said she’d give you a real good deal, if you’re interested.”

“Anywhere I can save a little extra money right now would be great,” Alex said, as she looked through the photos of the beach house & new studio, mentally going over what needed to be done & where things could be placed once she unpacked.

Ten minutes later, their salads & sandwiches were brought out. Alex put the pictures away in her purse and their conversation turned to their upcoming ‘roadtrip/adventure’.