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~~*Chapter 4- House of Blues – 7 p.m., July 4*~~

“Hey, Girls! Long time, no see!” Marcus said as the two girls walked up to the bar.

“Hey, Marcus,” both girls said in unison.

“What’ll it be tonight, Alex? Wine or beer?” he asked her with a smile.

“Killian’s Red, longneck, please,” Alex said returning her friend’s smile. “And change for the pool table,” she added, handing him the money.

“Sure thing, Darlin’; Lynn, what can I get for you? Water or Sprite?”

“Sprite. Do you know if the band’s here yet?”

Marcus handed the girls their drinks & handed Alex her change. “I’m not real sure. I just got here a few minutes myself.”

“Well, if you could let me know when they show up, that would be great!” Lynn said.

“I’ll let ya know!”

Fifteen minutes later, one of the waiters came over and spoke to Lynn.

“Oh, great! Thanks,” she said. “Alex, I’ll be right back, ok?”

“Sure, I promise I won’t cheat while you’re gone!” Alex laughed as her friend walked back to the bar. She took her shot, missed, then sat down and took the final drink from her beer, and looked over the railing at the large crowd downstairs.

Lynn walked over to the bar and hugged Sully. “You’re in luck; she was in the mood for a ‘Girl’s Night Out’ before our wonderful adventure.” She turned and pointed to where Alex was sitting by the railing.

“What’s she drinking?” Sully asked her.

“She’s had her one beer, so she’ll be ready for her wine, now,” Marcus said, setting Sully’s Corona & a glass of white wine with a couple slices of strawberries at the bottom. “Lynn, another Sprite?”

“Yeah, thanks, Marcus. Come on, Sully, I’ll introduce you to Alex.”

The closer they got to the table, Sully saw more detail of the young woman sitting on the stool and he liked what he saw. She didn’t seem to be much taller than him, slender and well built, with long dark hair.

“Alex, I want you to meet a good friend of mine,” Lynn said as she walked up to her friend.

Alex turned around and looked up at Lynn, then turned her dark green eyes on Sully. Her eyes showed a moment of surprise but she composed herself immediately. “I don’t think you need to introduce me, Lynn.” She held her hand out to Sully, “I’m Alexis,” she said with a smile.

“Merry Meet, Alexis; I’m Sully,” he said, taking her hand and setting her wineglass on the table for her.

“Anyone who listens to your music as much as Alex, knows who you are, Sully!” Lynn laughed.

“I suppose so,” Sully said, never letting go of Alex’s hand. “Have you ever seen GodSmack in concert, Alex?”

“No; unfortunately I was sick with the flu when ya’ll came through a couple months ago.”

“Well, it may not be an arena show, but at least you’ll be able to say you saw us live!”

“So, it isn’t a tribute band? It’s actually GodSmack playing tonight?”

“Yeah. We like to play under a false name once in a while. Smaller crowds & less likely to have a riot. Safer for all involved.”

“True. But you won’t catch ME down there tonight. Especially when THEY discover it’s not a tribute band!” Alex said. “I’m gonna stay up here where it’s safe!”

A few minutes later, Sully & Alex comfortable with each other, got up to finish the game of pool.

“You don’t mind, do you, Lynn?” Sully asked.

“Not at all. I was losing anyway.”

“There you are, Sully! We’ve been looking for you downstairs,” Robby said as the rest of the band came over to the table. “Lynn!” he said, spotting her as she came over for a hug. “We didn’t know you were here!”

“Well, shame on Sully for not telling you,” she said. “Alex, I want you to meet Robby, Tommy & Tony.”

“Hey, guys, nice to meet you,” Alex said, shaking their hands. “Care to join us for a while?”

“Why not? Not much else to do til we have to go on,” Tommy said.

For the next hour, Sully & Alex were never more than a few feet apart. They sat out a couple games of pool, sitting close together, talking while letting Tommy & Lynn play for awhile.

While they talked, they learned they had a lot in common, including Wicca. She told him that her Wiccan name was Nightshade.

“Ah, a beautiful flower indeed, but very deadly if handled incorrectly!” Sully said.

“Yes, it is; and so am I!” she laughed.

Lynn would catch a peek of them once in a while and would smile to herself; it had been too long since she saw a true smile grace Alex’s lips and eyes.

Close to 9 p.m., Tony disappeared for a few minutes, but returned shortly. “Guys, it’s almost time to go on,” he said as the lights went out & a short animated film of GodSmack came on the large movie screen that had been set up on the stage.

“You’ll be here after the show?” Sully asked Alex, leaning over to speak in her ear.

“Of course. I’ll even have a cold Corona waiting for you!” she smiled.

“Sounds like a deal to me!” he said. He impulsively kissed her gently on the lips, then walked quickly to catch up with the rest of the band.

Lynn was just as surprised when Sully kissed Alex and burst out laughing when Alex turned to her with a look of shock & surprise, asking, “Ok, I know I haven’t had that much to drink! Did Sully just kiss me?”

“Yes, Alex, my dear; Sully Erna just kissed you! I was honestly expecting it sooner, tho!” Lynn laughed.

As Sully and Tommy walked away, Tommy commented, “Damn, Sully, Lynn said she was cute, but she’s a total knockout!”

“She is a rare beauty, indeed; did you see her eyes? Considering all that Lynn’s told me about her, I don’t believe that all nightshade is deadly – if handled carefully,” Sully commented.