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~~*CHapter 5*~~

As the first bars of ‘Whatever’ came across the speakers and the crowd realized it was actually GodSmack performing, they went wild! Lynn pulled her camera out & started taking pictures.

Forty-five minutes into the show, a man got past security, climbed on the stage and ran towards Sully. Sully saw the movement out of the corner of his eye & was able to sidestep out of the way just as the guy took a swing at him. Sully threw a punch in self-defense, sending the guy into the waiting arms of security, with a bloody nose.

Sully was so mad, he signaled to his bandmates to stop the music. He turned to the crowd saying, “We want you guys to have fun, but we will NOT tolerate stupidity! What that dumb sonofabitch just did was VERY stupid & if something like that happens again, we are OUTTA HERE!” He turned to the security staff saying, “Get that asshole outta here! I don’t want to see his sorry ass back in here tonight. If he gets back in, someone is gonna get hurt – and it sure as hell ain’t gonna be ME!” He looked up towards the balcony & was able to see Alex & Lynn watching everything with concerned looks on their faces. He smiled & winked at them then turned back to the band. “Ok, let’s get back to the music!”

Almost an hour later, GodSmack closed the show with ‘Get Up, Get Out’. The lights went out before the music faded and the group made a quick escape off the stage and back upstairs to where the two girls were waiting for them.

Alex smiled at Sully, holding up a bottle of Corona, as he walked over to the table.

“Damn, girl, maybe I should keep you around. Nothing better than coming offstage after a show to a woman holding a cold beer!” Sully laughed as he kissed her lips quickly. He sat down in the chair next to her, draped his arm around her shoulders and took the beer from her hand.

Only then did he realize she was shaking. He leaned close to her ear & asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, now,” she said with a smile as she put her hand on his leg. “So, does that usually happen? Stupid idiots like that?”

“Nope; but there’s a first time for everything,” Sully said, taking a drink from his beer and smiled at her. He traced her jaw, “Don’t worry about it; the asshole got what he deserved. He’s just lucky I was off-balance & didn’t land that punch full-force or he wouldn’t have been walking outta here!”

Lynn agreed, smiling, “It’s true! You do NOT want to piss this man off! He’s a hell of a fighter & will fight to protect his friends & family. I should know; he helped me out when Derrick wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“Just what every woman wants: a man to fight for her!” Alex laughed as she finished her wine.

An hour later, the girls said their good-byes to Tony, Robbie & Tommy.

Sully took a chance & walked with them to their truck, to ‘make sure they were safe’. At the truck, he asked Alex, “I know this is gonna sound like a stupid question, but have you ever been on a motorcycle? I’m just curious.”

“Actually, I haven’t been on a motorcycle since I was about 5 or 6 years old. My cousin took me for a ride around the huge field behind her house; I think the top speed was all of 10 miles per hour,” she laughed. “Why? What did you have in mind?”

“Would you like to go for a ride with me tomorrow? I could pick you up, we could go to lunch? Your choice of food, don’t matter to me,” he smiled at her.

“Sounds like fun,” she said. She reached into the console of the truck and pulled out one of her business cards. “You can pick me up at the studio, say 11 o’clock? I still have a few things to do there before I leave for Florida.”

“I’ll be there, 11 sharp. See ya then, Alexis,” he said, gently kissing her. He helped her into the truck then walked back into the club as Lynn drove off.