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*~~*Quotable Quotes*~~*

Here are some quotes, enjoy!!!

Nick says: My Hand dumbass Hi mom!- Nick, kissing a camera I'm gonna rip a finger off if I keep that up, dawg I've been sitting up straight in a chair for two hours, not moving, and it's really affecting me! I do not! I do not whine! "I can see clearly now the brain is gone" "When blondes have more they know it?" "It's your right to be stupid....doesn't mean you should be" "I don't know, I don't doesn't make any difference anyway" "I'm not as dumb as you look" "I used to be lost in the shuffle. Now I just shuffle along with the lost" "Believe me, I'm really quiet and peaceful til I wake up" "Hi, my name is Milk. I'll do your body good” "I'm not deaf, I'm ignoring you" "You're just jealous cause the voices talk to me” "As long as we have our fans, we can conquer anything" "We call him Rat Boy" (referring to Brian) "At the end of every rainbow theres a pot of Nintendo games!" "Sometimes it's weird, because I feel like I live in a bubble and everyone can see me, so it's kinda strange. Still, I really don't know any other way."

Kevin Says: If all else fails, use your hands. "South Africa! South Africa you dummy! South Africa you do do!" "There might be times where I get sick and not feeling good. But when I get on stage and the lights go on and the music comes up- it's gone." Goal... Objective... Risk... Reward. Okay, let's do it! "I look at one of the Musqueteers. And that I have a big nose" "We use a lot of math when were on tour... We use it while we're auditing our record company."

Brian Says: It's been 2 days (holds up 3 fingers) C’mon guys, for real, you said 5 minutes, and it's been 5 minutes and 35 seconds! OMG! HOWARD! Censor- Brian in gay voice "It's very rewarding to think you're affecting lives. I mean, people who can't even speak english are singing our songs and even the american audiences. We've had alot of loyal fans stick with us for a long, long time" "I remember once we were preforming a song from the album onstage and I had to sing the first two verses. The dance routine was really difficult and I was concentrating so hard that I blanked on the words. I ended up humming along. The other guys were useless. They cracked up laughing and didnt try to help me at all!" Interviewer: (to Brian) Are you married? Brian: I'm married. (imitating her accent) Interviewer: What about the fans? Brian: They're not married. "We've done about 170 shows on the Millenium tour, and standing in front of an audience like this, I get the jitters like it's the first time” "First you flirt, then chase. It's the way of life." "No man is worth your tears and the one who is wont make u cry." "If you love someone put their name in a circle, not a heart...a heart can break but a circle is never ending..." "I was in my Jeep at home, and I turned on the radio and heard a mix of 'Quit Playing Games' I never heard before. It still takes us by surprise. It was a really cool mix and I got cold chills! It's like no matter how many times I've heard it, it doesn't get old!" "I have a bad habit of biting my nails, when I'm signing autographs girls say " You Bite Your Nails?" and I just look at them and smile!" "Nick's like the baby brother I never had. I look out for him and help him in any way I can!"

Howie says: "Fans, it's funny. They always know where we are 24/7" "I think about the future alot. I think about having a family one day, laying out in the backyard and entertaining at the barbecue." Being in a band, you've got to balance the chemistry, and not work against it. A.J. being the rebel type, Brian the Boy-Next-Door, and me being the Latino one I guess, Nicky being the young heartthrob and Kevin the Big Brother. Howie: I don't know why they put beer in there, we don't drink beer. A.J.: I drink beer Howie: Okay, A.J. drinks beer but he's not suppose to.

AJ says: "My little squirrel, Skippy" "The Beach Boys are in their sixties and they're still called the Beach Boys. So, even when we're in our sixties, we'll be called the Backstreet Boys. We just won't dance as much." " now that was a cheep thrill if I have ever seen one, But you know I LOOOVVVVE YOU GUYS!!!!!" We're just about to perform, and Kevin is freaking out. hahahah. "Love is a sensation caused by temptation, a guy sticks his location in a girls destination to increase the population for the next generation, do you get my explanation or do you need a demonstration?" Sex is a sin, God forgives, so let’s begin! Meet my brother Phil and my brother Bill! Welcome to Mr. Rogers neighbor hood!! Mr. Rogers is gone today, I’ll be your subsititue.

All say: Kevin to Brian: Are you a Backstreet Boy? Brian: No, no! I ain't! Kevin to Nick: are you a Backstreet Boy? Nick: No! Oh hell no! No interviews! Kevin and Brian: What a bad boy! Reporter: What do you do before a show? A.J.: We sacrifice a duck. Howie: No we don't! howie: what are you guys doing? Nick: we're picking our noses AJ: good god, were still waiting for our food

Non BSB quotes: I think that’s my lunch money- Jayde How do you solve a problem like Maria? –Jayde To the world you are one person but to one person you are the world- ???? AJ chucked, Brian swireved and killed the Toca Bell Dog!! AA!!!- Bre Did you say my name? No? Did you say my name? No? AJ!!! What? UH??? Okay… no more… that stuff makes me… uh?? Did you? Nick?? BRIAN!!! KNOCK IT OFF!!! Fuck it… uh?? Okay… bye. – Bre Say cheese and be happy!!- Ari Smile, the worlds ending!!- Ari Welcome to hell. – Ari (The Gate Keeper) The answer is 42.- The Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy What’s up?- Ford I dunno, never been there. –Marvin Fuck off! Oh wait that's my job! Bite my ass!- Andi *streches and yawns* it's shiny outside- Andi Wait wait wait! We weren't banging! We were having sex!- Andi What? Sex? Where? – Bre Oh my god...uh eh oh ah agg...ohhh...that was nice- Andi Backstreet Boys are fuckin awesome....but whats' his face...oh yeah, Nick Carter from NSYNC really sucks… - Andi (she was drunk, give her a break) *smiles* I usually say funny ass things when I'm tired. –Andi frapolove69: *dies* bad4backstreet90: *brings you back to life*