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~~*I'm Already There*~~

He ran his hands thru his dark hair. Damn, he missed her! He just needed to hear her voice again! One more time, before he went to sleep. Alex picked up the phone, dialing the familiar number.

~ He called her on the road From a lonely cold hotel room Just to hear her say ‘I love you’ one more time ~


“I love you,” he said quietly.

“I love you too, Alex. I thought you would’ve been asleep by now? How was the show?” was her soft reply.

“The show was great. I just wanted to hear your voice one more time before going to bed. Is that Anna & Kylie?” he asked, hearing their 4-year-old daughters laughing.

“Yeah. They’re watching a TV show.” Amber could hear the tears in Alex’s voice. He hated to be away from ‘his girls’ when he traveled overseas. “Do you want to talk to them?”


“Girls, its Daddy. You want to say hi?”

Alex was startled when he heard both girls on the speaker phone & smiled when he heard them say in unison, “Daddy, when you coming home?”

~ I’m already there, Take a look around I’m the sunshine in your hair I’m the shadow on the ground I’m the whisper in the wind I’m your imaginary friend And I know I’m in your prayers For I’m already there ~

“I’ll be home soon, girls! A few more shows & then we’re coming home. You’ll be at the airport, right?” he asked, smiling through his silent tears.

“Yes, Sir! Love you, Daddy! Tell Uncles we love them!”

“I will,” he promised, hearing them run off in giggles back to their TV show.

Amber picked up the receiver, turning the speaker off.

“I really miss you, Alex. I just want you home safe! I worry when you travel overseas!”

“Well, like I told the girls, a few more days & I’ll be home. I’ll make it up to you, Baby. I promise.”

~ I wish I was in your arms Lying right there beside you But I know that I’ll be in your dreams tonight And I’ll gently kiss your lips Touch you with my fingertips So turn out the light & close your eyes

I’m already there Don’t make a sound I’m the beat in your heart I’m the moonlight shining down I’m the whisper in the wind And I’ll be there til the end Can you feel the love that we share? For I’m already there ~

“I know you’ll be home soon. I’ve already made plans for your mom to take the girls so we can have a night together. I promise you won’t forget it anytime soon,” Amber told him quietly.

He knew his wife was right. She always knew how to touch; what to say; how to move to drive him over the edge.

“A few more days, Amber! Then six months of vacation for us & the girls as a family.”

She could hear the arousal & tears in his voice. She knew her husband well enough to know his emotions.

“Look at the picture I sent with you. You are with us already, Alex, just as you are with us now. I love you & the girls love you. We miss you terribly. I promise we will be at the airport waiting for you. Now go to sleep, Sweetheart. As you say, it’s only a few more days.”

“A few more days, Amber. I love you!” Alex said, before hanging up.

“DADDY!” the twins squealed as they ran to him. He knelt down, grabbing them in a hug. He quickly handed the girls over to their ‘uncles’ as he looked at his wife.

He saw the tears in her eyes as he began to walk forward. She ran to him, throwing herself in his arms. She threw her arms around his neck as she felt his arms tighten around her, then felt his lips searching for hers.

Their lips met in a searing kiss; pent-up passions from 8 weeks of being apart.

“Let’s go home, Amber,” Alex whispered.

Amber led Alex into the bedroom, both undressing as they went. As the last of their clothing hit the floor, Alex picked her up and carried her to the bed, gently laying her down and moved over her.

“I need you so much, Amber,” he whispered as he gently moved against her, hearing her moan.

“Alex, please,” she whispered.

“Please what, Baby?” he asked against her lips.

“Make love to me, now,” she said, arching against him, pulling him closer to her.

He couldn’t take it anymore. Eight weeks without his wife & he was desperate. With a low growl, he pushed gently into her, feeling her heat envelope his length. He knew that once he started to move it wouldn’t take either of them long to go over the edge.

He raised himself over her on his elbows then leaned down & gently took her lips in a kiss as he began to move.

Alex felt her arch against him, pulling him deeper & running her nails down his back. He growled low in response and began to quicken his thrusts. They had all night to make love; he didn’t care if the first time was over quickly or not. He would make it up to her; he always did.

They both felt their release come quickly & cried out loudly, holding onto each other tightly. Alex thrust a few more times, as they rode out the orgasm together. Then, spent & exhausted, he collapsed on top of her, feeling Amber’s arms wrap around him, calming him.

~ I’m already there Take a look around I’m the sunshine in your hair I’m the shadow on the ground I’m the whisper in the wind And I’ll be there til the end Can you feel the love that we share? For I’m already there

I’m already there ~

“I love you, Amber!” Alex mumbled against her neck.

“I love you too, Alex. And so does your son,” she said quietly, smiling at the look in Alex’s eyes.