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Cleomenes DeAndre

Cleomenes DeAndre is one of Queen Autum's knights. He has been a knight long enoguh for Autum to make him one of the Head Knights putting him in charge of most of the training. He stands about 6'4 and is about 25 years old. He has black hair and brown eyes as well as a slight tan. He wears silver armour and clothing beneth that that is both black and white. The sword he carries is a beautiful silver clamour. He is soon to be married to a woman named Wish who he has been maddly in love with since the first time he saw her. He is one of the best worriors of Florine and has lived through the war. . .though just barely. He was caught in right in the middle of the biggest battle and almost didn't make it. . .but luckly did. He is a Human with the ability to shapesift and creat weapons from the shadows or just air. . .or anything ealse avalable