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Prophesied by Dragons…
Tempered by Magic…
Forged in War…

The Creation Myth:
In the mythic past, the world was one and the progenitor wyrms, the first and greatest dragon-kind ruled all. The three most powerful-Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber- discovered (Or created) The Prophecy. A world shattering struggle followed splitting the world into three parts and shattering the prophecy across the breadth of existence. In the end Siberys became the glowing ring that surround the world, Khyber was bound in the endless dark beneath, and Eberron healed the world between by becoming one with it. Siberys called forth the next generation of Dragons, Eberron created all manner of living things, and Khyber spat out the fiends.

Tone of Eberron
The features that most set Eberron apart are its tone and attitude. The setting combines traditional medieval fantasy with pulp action and dark adventure. The world of Eberron has a rich history built on heroic deeds, evolving magic, and the wounds of a long devastating war. In the wake of The Last War, action, adventure, good, evil, and a thousands shades of gray paint the landscape in broad, powerful strokes, and ancient mysteries await discovery so that they too can influence the world and its peoples.

Magic and Technology
Magic is built into the very fabric of the setting. It pervades and influences everyday life. The setting supposes a world developed not through the advance of science, but by the mastery of arcane magic. The concept allows for certain conveniences unimagined in other medieval timeframes. The binding and harnessing of elemental creatures makes airships and rail transportation possible. Working class of minor mages (Magewrights)uses spells to provide energy and other necessities in towns and cities. Advances in magic item creation have led to everything from self propelled farming implements to sentient free willing constructs. Magic is an industry in Eberron and A thriving aristocracy of merchant families (The Dragonmarked Houses) controls much of the worlds economy thanks to the edge given them by the mysterious and rare Dragonmarks.

The Last War
Eberron exists now in the aftermath of The Last War. This continent engulfing conflict began a century ago when the entire continent was largely one kingdom called Galifar. When the last King Jarot died his heirs refused to follow tradition. Their squabbles fractioned the kingdom. The war ended with The signing of the Treaty of Thronehold establishing the now 12 recognized nations.

Basic Information:
The World: Eberron (4 Continents)
The Continent: Khorvaire (Consistent of over a dozen nations and wild areas)
The Country: Breland (Capitol is Wroat, Economic capitol is Sharn)

The Calendar:
The Track of Years in Eberron is measures from the beginning of the Kingdom of Galifar. The calendar is 365 days of 25 hours. The 12 months correlate to the 12 moons and their relation to the planet. Each moon is tied to one of the Dragonmarks through legend and tradition. The name of the month is derived from the prominent moon.

The Months of the Year:
Olarune.........Late Winter
Therendor.......Early Spring
Dravago.........Late Spring
Nymm............Early Summer
Barrakas........Late Summer
Rhaan...........Early Autumn
Aryth...........Late Autumn
Vult............Early Winter

In Eberron people identify not with a specific deity but with the church of which they belong.

The Sovereign Host: This church takes in the majority of the gods worshipped by the majority of the population of Khorvaire. There are 9 gods in all ranging in alignment from Good to Neutral. The Host consists of Arawai, God of Agriculture, Aureon, God of Law and Knowledge, Balinor, God of Beasts and the Hunt, Boldrei, The lawful deity of community, Dol Arrah, God of Honor and Sacrifice, Dol Dorn, God of Strength and arms, Kol Korran, God of trade and wealth, Olladra, god of feast and good fortune, and Onatar, God of Artifuce and the Forge.

The Dark Six: In many ways the Dark Six can be seen as part of the Church of the Sovereign Host. More accurately they are the gods cast out for their wicked and evil ways. The Dark Six. The Dark Six take in worship from criminals, outlaws, villains, and many monsters. The Dark Six consist of The Devourer, The Fury, The Keeper, The Mockery, The Shadow, and The Traveler.

The Silver Flame: The Silver flame is a mysterious force whose followers seek to protect the peoples of the world from the supernatural forces of evil.

The Path of Light: The Path of light is mostly revered by the psionically inclined. It is a universal force of positive energy they call “Il-Yannah”. Or “The Great Light”. The followers seek purification of their mind and body so as to gain communion with the light in preparation for the coming battle with the Forces of Darkness.

The Undying Court: The elves revere their ancient dead as incarnate deities, seeking advice from deathless councilors and petitioning their favor.

The Blood of Vol: The Blood of Vol is an evil cult that attracts followers fascinated by death and undeath. They seek undeath and negative energy as a means to divinity.

The Cults of the Dragon Below: These cuts consist of a diverse group of fanatical sects that revere the power of the Subterranean realms. Some of these cults seek to draw the power of Khyber, the dragon below, up from the depth below. Others traffic with demons conjured from the deep regions.

The Planes:
The outer and inner planes known to other worlds are virtually unknown to Eberron. Instead there are 13 transitive planes which atsrally orbit Eberron. There are the outer planes of Eberron. Their position is this orbit determines weather it is possible to form a connection. Some these planes have elemental traits, while other are alignment dominant, and yet others are simply alien worlds. These 13 known planes are…
Daanvi, The Perfect order.......(Where all things live in harmony in perfect order)
Dal Quor, The Region of Dreams..(Where we are projected in Dream)
Dolurrh, The Realm of the Dead..(Where Mortals souls go after death)
Fernia, The Sea of Fire.........(A firery Hell)
Irian, The Eternal Day..........(A Heavenly Paradise)
Kythru, The Churning Chaos
Lamannia, The Twillight Forest
Mabar, The Endless Night
Risia, The Plane of Ice
Shavarath, The Battleground
Syrania, The Azure Sky
Thelanis, The Faerie Court
Xoriat, The Realm of Madness

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