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Greyhawk Legacy Campaign: Module Summaries (short version)

The Party

1st-To Kill a Heirarch:
-Einhonder-Caldwell-Popaxe-Markus Bowmen(npc)-
The party traveled to the city of Admundford and assassinated a ranking member of the Horned Society. Einhonder and Popaxe were arrested but eventually set free.

2nd-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 1: Death Beckons:
-Einhonder-Popaxe-Caldwell-Baalthazar-(Special appearance by Kashmir)-
The party tracked Baalthazar to the city of Kalstrand and became involed in hunting down the wizard Dysatysso in hopes of learning more of an evil creature known only as the Devourer.

3rd-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 2: City of the Dead:
The party discovered this devourer to be the Archlich Acerak whom they had thought destroyed when last they confronted him in the Tomb of Horrors. They traveled to the site of the Tomb and found a city of the dead build arround a Black Academy of Necromancy. They began exploring this school in an attempt to Return to the Tomb of Horrors.

4th-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 3: The Footsteps of Doom:
The party overcame the black academy and killed the master necromancer Farranifer, a female vampire scion. They once again entered the Tomb of horrors which apparently reset itself to how it was when first they enetered it. With Einhonders memories they once again defeated the Tomb and destroyed the soul devouring soul of Acerak. They also aquired both pieces of the amulet of the void which would allow them to cross a gateway to Aceraks true mantle of power.

5th-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 4: The City that Waits:
The party explored more of the Tomb before crossing through the gateway to reach Aceraks true mantle of power. Beyond the gate they found a city of towers sitting in a black abyss. They explored this abandoned city to find many undead and further clues to reaching Acerak, the Devourer.

6th-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 5: Darker Still:
The party continued their exploration of the city that waits. They defeated the High exaltant one and took a talking head into the party.

7th-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 6: The Inevitable...
The party unlocked all the locks with the city that waits which freed the Phantom Flyer which would take them through the negative energy plane to Aceraks Inevitable Fortress of Conclusion.

8th-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 7: The Fortress of Conclusion:
The party entered Aceraks fortress of Conclusion. The slew many demons and breifly encountered Acerak himself.

9th-Return to the Tomb of Horrors Part 9: The Final fate of Acerak:
The party freed Aceraks father, the Balor demon tarnhem. They battled Acerak in undead wizard form and soul devouring skull form. They destroyed Acerak's Phylactery freeing 3,000 souls and dispersing Aceraks essense.

Interlude---Rest & Relaxation, Trials & Tribbulations:
The party returned home and used many magics to restore their original physical forms. For many monht they followed their individual pursuits. Caldwell stood trial for destroying church of Pelor and was made to pay. Caldwell built a keep and Drayo did great research.

10th-A Paladin in Hell: Part 1:
The legendary Paladin Strongheart had died and his body had been pulled into the abyss along with the Temple of Pelor. The party used a demonic ship to travel there and after exploring the ship and killing many demons learned the ship was actually an entire layer of the abyss.

11th-A Paladin in Hell: Part 2:
The party reached the 5th level of hell and enter the inter-iceberg fortress of the Arch duke Geryon to find the lost Temple of Pelor. They were confronted by AMon, a duke of hell. He killed the whole party.

12th-A Paladin in Hell: Part 3:
The surviving party members were barely alive but managed to escape teh torture of Amon, duke of hell. They resurrected the rest of the party. They traveled to the city of Dis and reequipted then returned. They located the lost Temple of Pelor in hell and entered it.

13th-A Paladin in Hell: Part 4:
The party defeated Geryon and Amon, they met Strongheart and managed to recover the church of Pelor and Stronghearts soul from hell.

14th- The Bastion of Broken Souls: Part 1:
The party was hunted by Cathezar. Drayo was desintergrated. They visited Church of elements and guild of sleep and tried to find a way to reach the red dragon Ashardalon who was feasting on unborn souls.

15th- The Bastion of Broken Souls: Part 2:
The party traveled to Pandemonium and met the fallen god Desayeus. He gave them the key to enter the Bastion of Unborn souls. There they would face Ashardalon.

16th- The Bastion of Broken Souls: Part 3:
The Party fought and killed Asharadaol the ancient dragon thus assuring that souls would once again flow into the world as new life was born.

17th- Hell Hath No Fury..."The Revenge of Amon": The party went back to hell and infiltrated Baalzebuls castle to find Amon. They freed Rygar and tracked Amon to Tarterous.

Greyhawk Legacy