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Kharis in Detail

City Map Key

Kharis Keep

Kharis Defenses

Gods of Kharis

Kharis City

Population: 60,000 est.

Government: Fuedal Monarchy

Rulership: Queen Khirsah and the Council of Nobles

True Rulership: Talon (via the Queen who is rulership is absolute)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Religions: All (Primarily Talon, Tiu-chef forbidden)

Kharis in Detail

The geography of Kharis, as well as the surrounding lands, lends itself to a classic system of feudalism, with some important differences. These differences are in place to maximize the potential of every citizen, as well as free people from the slavery that the feudal system offered in its original form.

Kharis sits in the middle of The Plains of Kharis, a flat, level, and fertile plain stretching for hundreds of miles. Kharis, the city proper, is as modern as any city in Dark Realm, maybe even more because of its founder, Talon DoomHammer, and his rise to Godhood. Talon has made many modern amenities to the city, such as a sewer system that empties into another plane of existence, running water brought up from aqueducts far beneath the city into community wells, and a garbage disposal area with teams of sanitation caretakers who keep watch over the many rust monsters and otyughs who dispose of most of the garbage.

Kharis is the seat of government in the region and is presided over by Queen Khirsah. Queen Khirsah, in reality, is Talon’s dragon mount, a female silver dragon polymorphed into human, female form. She has ruled wisely over Kharis since Talon’s rise to Godhood.

Khirsah and Talon had a brief affair when Talon was still mortal, and thus, Queen Khirsah is with child. She is currently carrying fraternal twins, one boy, and one girl, and due to give birth in several months. All of the citizens are aware she is pregnant, but only a select few are aware that she is a polymorphed silver dragon.

Queen Khirsah resides over all important governmental decisions, as well as the Council of Nobles, a governing body made up of all the land-holding nobles in the kingdom. All the Nobles are either Paladins, or fighters/knights of some renown who have fought for Kharis in the past. This council meets once a month to discuss events in the region, creation of new laws or eradication of existing laws, trade, crops, etc. Each council member has a say during meetings, regardless of the size of their land holdings, and each gets a vote on important decisions. Queen Khirsah has the power to veto any vote and impose her will on her vassals, but has never had to use that power.

Additionally, citizens on the lands of a Noble can choose to become a farmer/serf, and will be granted a plot of land that is sizable enough to feed the serfs family as well as sell some of the crop to the Noble at a fair price. Land restrictions are a real concern however, and land is granted on a first come, first served basis. Many Nobles lands are already filled to capacity with serfs, and no more land grants are available. However, homesteading is available to freelancing serfs at the edges of the kingdom. This is very risky however, because these freelancers are beyond the protection of the Kharis army, or a Noble’s knights. Only when a freelancing community grows large enough to pay taxes equal enough to support a new noble and a standing military force, will that community then become a part of the true Kharis kingdom.

A serf can choose to change his stars at any time and choose not to be a serf. He and/or his family are not beholden to the Lord or Noble. There are many people willing to pick up the mantle of serf and continue farming on the land.

Population: Kharis city proper is a very large city as cities in Dark Realm go and it is estimated that as many as 60,000 people live within its walls. The greater kingdom of Kharis, including its many fiefdoms may include many thousands more.

Alignment: The over-all, average alignment of the Kingdom of Kharis is chaotic-good due to location of the heart of the Church of Talon, and leans towards lawful-good, because of the large concentration of paladins.

Religions: Dark Realm is a world of many religions. Worshippers of any God from any pantheon can be found here, however, the only religion forbidden in the city of Kharis is that of Ti-uchef the Chaotic, God of the underworld. This God and his religion are in direct contrast to Talon DoomHammer’s Church of Enlightenment, and followers are either expelled from the city or killed, depending on the circumstances.

Gods Worshipped in Kharis

Talon DoomHammer - God of War and Battle, Patron God of the Kingdom of Kharis

Kandrin Chrysomer - God of Shadows, Secrets, Thieves, and Assassins

Kai - Lord of the Blitzkrieg

Silvanus - God of the Forests and Nature

Marduk - God of the City, Wind, Thunder, Storms and Rain)

Oghma - God of Knowledge

Anhur - God of War

Ares - God of War

Aphrodite - Goddess of Love, Beauty and Passion

Hecate - Goddess of Magic

Raiden - God of Thunder and Patron of Fletchers

Moradin - “The Soul Forger,” God of Dwarves

Corellon Larethian - God of Elves

Rillifane Rallathil - “The Leaflord,” God of Elves

Frey - “God of Sunshine and Elves

Garl Glittergold - God of Gnomes

Odin - “The All Father,” Supreme Ruler of the Valhallan Gods

Freya “Goddess of Love and Fertility”

Thor - God of Thunder

Tyr - God of War and Justice

Kharis City Map Key

1-Talons Keep/Castle- (See Maps)

Talon still has his original two towers wherein he used to directly live in which are off limits to all except the current ruler of Kharis and the head of the order of DoomHammer (who must be invited before he would be permitted to enter). Recent additions are the Castle Keep which was built to house the standing army in a tremendously fortified way to show strength and unity, and the new castle gardens which are open to everybody in the employ of the city.

Court and military processions and meetings are held in the Keep as is all manner of markets, and day to day runnings of the city. Kharis grew so fast due to its position at the crossroads of the trade caravans that a Keep was needed to act as the center of the community. Within the Keep is a small market, that is actually considered big by some cities standards, as are the many government offices. This is also the main and largest area that houses troops. The main war room is stationed here as are the top officials of the standing army. Queen Kharri has her rooms here and also holds court here but retreats to Talons Tower when she wants seclusion. She can be found here if important people are looking for her.

This entire area is well provisioned with dry goods in case of siege that should enable the standing army assigned here to last out for a year. Any additional refugees would lower that length of time but 6 months is the lowest it can go due to the limitations of space w/in the castle walls for refugees.

SPECIAL POWERS- It is well known that the walls of the Keep and Talons Towers are invulnerable to attack as prescribed by the Wall of Force spell. This effect does not extend however to the walls of the city.

2-Additional Troop Baracks- 1/2 to 1/3 of theses houses are actually filled to capacity.

3- Castle Ward- This ward is called the Castle Ward only because it is directly behind the castle. It houses some of the richest people in the city including merchants, wizards, ex-adventurers, etc.

3a- Guild Ward - Many Guilds are located here or the rich heads of guilds and their personal homes.

4-Petitioners Ward- The City of The Dead- this is the cemetery that is fast filling to capacity.

4a. These are all mausoleums owned by the rich of the city.

5-Merchants Ward- this ward was built specifically for the arriving merchants in the city here to sell their wares. Most of the buildings here are Inns, Bars, and warehouses. This part of the city is well-equipped to tend to the caravans, horses, and the needs of the merchants. As this is a main income for the city, there is a special branch of government to handle the affairs of the merchants. There are extra details of the city guard here to keep a handle on the possible thievery and rowdiness of the visitors.

6-Peoples Ward- This is the most crowded and populated part of the city. Many factories are located here and many working people. Small markets are located through-out this ward. Due to the constant hustle and bustle of this ward, there is never any lack of excitement.

7- Market Ward- the city market is located here, as are many guilds, the city jail, the world source of the DoomHammer church and many residential neighborhoods.

8 - North Gate

9 - East Gate

10 - West Gate

11 - South Gate

12 - City Jail

13 - City Market/ Night Market-the market has two phases to it, The Day Market, and the Night Market. During the day, most merchants sell wares to the general public in which is acceptable to youngsters, but during the Night Market, more dubious wares are sold and things practiced.

14 - Church of DoomHammer

15 - Monument - statue of Kandrin and Talon back to back wielding weapons

16 - Monument - statue of Kai surrounded by his dragons wielding Mjolnir

17 - Monument - statue of The Father of Forests-Bruti

18 - Wizards Guild

19 - Thieves Guild Outpost

20 - Warriors/Adventurers Guild

21 - Thieves Guild Outpost II

22 - Thieves Guild Outpost III

Kharis Defenses

Standing army-10,000 troops total.

1000 calvary

2000 archers

6000 land troops

1000 air troops

(3E: Mass Combat Unit: HP: 16 (x10,000) AC: 17, Att: +4, Dam: 1d8 +1)

a. -CALVARY- 3rd level 1st ed. cavaliers. Field plate, longsword, shortsword, dagger, heavy war horse (w/ barding), AC 0, hp 24, Thaco 17, Dam. Id8+l

TOTAL TROOP STRENGTH- AC-0 HP. 24,000 THACO 17 Dam. ld8+lX1000

(3E: HP: 27, AC: 21, Att: +5, Dam: 1d8, Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Ride by Att)

b. -LAND TROOPS -THE GROUNDPOUNDERS - 2nd level fighters, chainmail, longsword, mace, dagger, AC 5, Hp 10, Thaco 18, Dam. Id8


(3E: HP: 19, AC: 19, Att: +5, Dam: 1d8)

c. - ARCHERS- due to the fact that Kharis was founded with the spirit of cooperation and peaceful existence between humans and half-elves, the humans have developed their archer talents comparable to their neighbors, thus all of Kharis's archers(human or half-elf) have die Archer proficiency as described in the Elves Handbook.

2nd level fighters (Archer Kit), chainmail, longbow, 15 flight arrows, 15 sheaf arrows, longsword, dagger, AC O, HP. 10 THACO. 18 DAM. 1D6+1 #of Atts-3


(3E: HP: 19, AC: 19, Att: +5, Dam: 1d8)

d. -AIR TROOPS-Dragons-1/2 a Flight of Bronze Dragons(6 DRAGONS)/ 1/2 a flight of silver Dragons(6 DRAGONS)(all riderless)

BRONZE DRAGONS- AC -4 HD. 16 HP. 160 THACO -2 DAM.1D8+6/1D8+6/ 4D6+6/ BREATH- 12d8+6 (Stroke of lightning-100 ft long, 5 ft wide-/ or repulsion gas-20ft long, 30 ft wide)- 12D8+6

TOTAL- AC-4 HP. 960 THACO -2 DAM. 1D8+6 X6/1D8+6 X6/ 4D6+6 X6/ 12D8+6 X6
(3E: Adult: HP: 241, AC: 27, Att: +27, Dam: 2d8, 2d6x2 (+8), Breath:12d6(25) )

SILVER DRAGONS - AC -5 HD.17 HP. 170 THACO -1 DAM. 1D8+6/ 1D8+6/ 5D6+6/ BREATH-(Cone Of Cold- 80' long, 5'. wide/ Paralyzation gas- 50' long, 40' wide) 12dlO+6

TOTAL- AC -5 HP. 1026 THACO -1 DAM. 1D8+6X6/1D8+6 X6/ 5D6+6 X6 12D10+6X6
(3E: Adult: HP: 253, AC: 29, Att: +28, Dam: 2d8, 2d6x2(+9), Breath: 12d8(26))

e. -AIR TROOPS-2nd Squadron- Griffons with riders- 40 Griffons with riders. 5th level 1st ed.

The 2nd squadron is stationed exclusively in the nearby hovering cloud castle. This iswhere the Griffons are raised and trained to fight in combat with a rider and without. The Griffon pride becomes very close this way despite the fact it is extremely large, and the Griffons become just as close with their exclusive riders.

The Griffons are outfitted with a special harness and mounted lance that are

enchanted to be almost weightless, and this transfers to the rider so that the Griffons can keep their extremely good maneuverability class. In addition, thee lance can be easily

unhooked in case of entanglement with whatever it spears.

Griffons-AC 3 HP. 56 THACO 13 DAM. 1D4/1D4/ 2D8

(3E: HP: 59, AC: 17, Att: +11/+8/+8 Dam: 2d6+4, 1d4+2 x2, Init: +2, Spd 30/80, Feats: Iron Will, Multi-attack, Flyby Attack (specially trained), Spot +10)

Griffon Riders-3rd level fighters. Chainmail, shortsword, 10 javelins (ld6), lance( Id8 vs. small/3d6 vs large). AC 5 HP. 24 THACO 17 DAM- shortsword- Id6 javelin-Id6 lance-Id8/3d6

(3E: HP: 27, AC: 16, Att: +9, Dam: 1-8 +1, Saves: +5/+2/+2, Mounted Combat, Aerial Mounted Combat, Ride by Attack)

The Griffons will attempt to lance its target first and then fight hand to hand ferociously unless it is directed to do so by its rider.

f. - RESERVES- there are one thousand back-up troops kept in reserve to go to the aid of the regular army when the need arises. These are made up of 200 calvary, 500 groundpounders, and 300 archers. They are kept on the city walls along with the city militia.

g. - MILITIA- in times when the entire area is under attack, all able-bodied men are expected to join the city militia and join in the war. The militia is not in the regular army and stays behind to man the battlements and do the other jobs that are needed to be done. Everyone in the militia is at least competent in the use of weapons, both personal and war machines as the general populace is expected to join the army for at least one year when they come of age.

TOTAL TROOP STRENGTH- 5000 1ST level fighters^ various armor, yarious swords, AC. 6 HP.30000 THACO 19 DAM-1D6X5000

(3E: HP: 12, AC: 16, Att: +4, Dam: 1d8)

h. - SUPPORT-this faction of the army consists of wizards and the churches and their various clerics.

Clerics- at any one time 100 clerics who are capable of casting at least 3 cure light wounds spells a day will be summoned to aid the army. Many more novices can be summoned to build makeshift hospitals and aid in bandaging and operations. More powerful clerics will be used in actual battle and will be stationed on the walls or on the field.

Wizards- the entire wizards guild will show up to aid in the battle and one wizard will be stationed with each platoon or more if needed in severe troubled spots.

i. - Special troops- not available at time of publication...

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