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Character Backgrounds

Cyril Blightbane
Class: Enforcer (Paladin variant)
Prestidge Class: Seeking Justicar training
Race: Human
Alignment: LN
Profession, Skills: Enforcer, tracker, leadership
Weapon of Choice: Battle axe and Flail
Father: Cyran Blightbane /Mother: Mardana /Siblings: None
Other: Uncle Jedgen Nudarin (dead), Aunt Andona Nudarin, Step cousin Zarian
Date of Birth: 977

Born in Harkonthorp in the year 977. His father worked at Harkondeep prison as the underboss. His name was Cyran Blightbane. Just two years earlier Cyran had married an outsider named Mardana. When Cyril was 17 his grandparents back in the city of Shavalant were growing sick and dying. His mother left to take care of them. During this time a prisoner named Derrik Tharkal broke out of prison and invaded the Blightbane home. Cyrils father was murdered by this man. Cyril interrupted this teerible scene and was cut down across his face. The criminal took what valuables he could and fled leaving Cyril to die. The following morning Boss Kurgen came to call upon Cyran for work. The Boss took the dying Cyril and brought him to the church of the Soveriegn Host in town. There Father Hax and his son Gabriel worked to save Cyril. Cyril survived the ordeal but remains scarred both physically and emotional. One such reminder is carved prominently down Cyril’s face. Two weeks later his mother having received word of these events, returned home. Subsequently Cyril was coming of age and the family needed money. The only logical and possible conclusion was that Cyril would work at the prison. Cyril’s mother would not hear of it. This debate continued for but a month before Cyril’s mother eventually fell victim to the same mysterious plague which had befallen his grandparents. Cyril was taken in by his uncle Jedgen and aunt Andona. During this time Cyril lived with his uncle’s adopted son Zarian. The two became close friends but always maintained very different beliefs. For a time Cyril wallowed in self pity. One morning Cyril awake to an epiphany. That chaos is unexceptable and must be opposed. Thus begins Cyrils devotion to law. There are lines that cannot be crossed and there are those who must hold the line. Those who do cross the threshold must be contained, or when containment is not possible then destruction remains the secondary protocol.. Not long after Cyril came to work at the prison as his father had before him.

The War come to HarkonThorp:
The town of HarkonThorp managed to remain outside the scope of the war all the way up until the end. In the year 994 Colonel Dultar visited Harkonthorp with a divison of troops. It was decided that the young men of the town would be drafted and the prisoners would be turned into shock troops. Cyril, his friends, and coworkers were marched off to a large encampment outside the city of Wroat. Because of their martial profession the prison guards received warrant officer training. Each of them took up a specialized skill. Cyril’s ferocity in combat brought the attention of a warrior named Mar Grimthold. He took Cyril under his wing and taught him the ways of an Enforcer. A specialized warrior empowered by the divine ethos of law. Cyril was put in command of squad that would serve at the vanguard of each assault. Cyril first major engagement was at the battle of Cyredon. This battle was cut short as it was at this time that the event that would shake the continet to the core transpired. In one massive magical explosion the entire nation of Cyre was incinerated. Over the next 2 years Cyril would take part in 4 more major engagements. In many of these Cyril was lucking. In mass warfare death seldom come from the enemy you oppose but more so from random events. An arrow from an unseen bow. An explosion from distant siege weapon. Soon Cyril learned discipline and tactics. Formations and concerted attacks gained results. But the will and courage of men is fragile thing. Men need leadership. Cyril soon learned to project these qualities and his status rose within his division. His squad gained some notoriety and the enemy came to fear the infamous BlackLance brigade. During the war Cyril would periodically reunite with his friends. Sometimes at encampments and other times less often on the battle field itself. The one time Cyril met defeat on the field of battle he awoke suddenly to find his old friend Gabriel, now a battlehealer, telling him to get up. There were other less enjoyable reunifications. As many of the men of HarkThorp died in the wars. In the year 996 The Treaty of Thronehold was signed effectively ending all war across the continent. Cyril and his companions who still lived were discharged. It was time to return home.

Class: Psion (Telepath)
Prestige Class: None
Race: Kalashtar
Alignment: LG
Profession, Skills: Interrogation, Coercion, Manipulation, Communication
Weapon of Choice: The Mind
Father: Unknown Inspired /Mother: Nalowyn (dead)
Guardian: Jedgen Nudarin (dead) and Andona Nudarin
Other: Step cousin Cyril
Born: 976

Zarion was raised by a prison guard who had no relationship with him until the day he agreed to adopt him as a son. The story of this bizarre arrangement is told as thus; his mother’s dying request was to have him taken within the prison for his safekeeping. Of course the guards refused, no matter her status. She charged them to try him for her murder and death, as blood ebbed from her numerous open wounds. It was such a conundrum that the guards passed along the situation to their superiors. One shrewd official within took a look and ordered the immediate execution of the both of them to remove the issue from consideration. Before these commands could be followed through, an observing Inquisitioner decided to intervene. Jedgen Nudarin offered to take Zarion in and rear him alongside his own son of the roughly same age (Jedgen’s son Baxter was two years older than Zarion and no one knew that his wife had recently miscarried on a potential second son). None stood in opposition and the story ends with Zarion’s birthmother bestowing a blessing upon the Nudderin house.

It was not until his twelfth birthday that the truth of his history was revealed to Zarion. He is of part Inspired lineage and part human lineage, a Kalashtar. The story of his entrance into the prison carves out this truth. His human mother was involved in a brief relationship that bore her the fruit of an Inspired passing through town. When this being returned some time later and discovered her with his seed he demanded she release the child to her. She balked his demands and successfully fought off his psionic attacks to command her. She somehow escaped him and successfully hid baby Zarion. The Inspired was unrelenting and pursued. His wrath was tortuous and lead to the wounds that would bleed her to death. He left satisfied that Zarion would die without my mother to raise him. However, she pleaded her case to Harkondeep and the story basically follows reality from that point forward.

Zarion grew up accustomed to the foul nature of the criminal. Zarion found their chaotic lifestyles disconcerting and in stark contrast to the guardians that kept the order of the prison. Zarion grew to respect their work against the prisoners and to despise the vermin for their crimes and their very nature. Zarion found himself engrained with respect for the perspective of the Warden. When he came of age he followed in his surrogate father’s footsteps, in Baxter’s footsteps as well, and began working as a prison guard. This was the year 994. One year later, Cyril Blightbane would come to reside with the Nudarin family as well (as chronicled in his history). In the same year, shortly after Cyril moved back to Harkonthorp, Baxter would fall prey to the worst fears of every worker in every prison in the multiverse. He was caught and strangled through the bars by a prisoner named Garvin Thrax. Shortly thereafter, perhaps stricken with grief, Jedgen suffered a seizure and died of a heart attack.

The Nudderin house was barely recovering from these sad times when even more strife would strike. Soldiers approached the city en masse and it soon became apparent every able-bodied man in Harkonthorp was to serve in the army of Breland. The prisoners had only to decide between service in the army or execution. When they began hanging prisoners that refused to comply, Zarion abandoned his duties for the first time in his career. The chaos shortly abided and the men sifted through the ranks to find the best fit for their talents. Zarion was never the strongest, so he was selected for wizardly training. He was tested for innate abilities and was discovered to possess psionic capabilities. It came to made sense when Zarion remembered times Zarion thought prisoners were speaking though Zarion could not see them, thoughts Zarion had once cast aside as the common daydreams of a bored jailor.

A bald a half elf named Yulorian guided Zarion to the small sect of Kalashtar who utilized psionic talents in collusion with the Shadowguilders for interrogation purposes and also to determine tactics and intentions of enemy commanders. Zarion was assigned to the fourth legion. There he found friends within his strike unit in Rathion and Darius, particularly in their desires to end the war and cease the killing. Their preferred tactics included disabling enemy lines from within wherever possible and mapping out the best lines for precision attacks by the main brigade. Zarion acquired a particular distain for half-orcs during these missions as he found them such an easy race to psionically control that he viewed them as a lesser race suited for only manual labor and hardly human at all.

The Battle of Bone Gate earned its name from the piles of dead laid at the reinforced gates of the strategically located barrier in a valley. Zarion spearheaded a plan to infiltrate and overcome this obstacle. Darius would locate a means to route behind the enemy lines through the surrounding mountains. Zarion would convince the gatekeeper that he should let Zarion control the gears for a short while. Rathion would accompany as muscle in case things got rough. Of course it did not go according to plan, but close enough to accomplish the mission. Darius took the three on a long journey that took them to the rear flanks of the enemy, which were heavily guarded as well. He disguised them as pitiful foot soldiers recovering from injuries and seeking treatment away from the battlefront. They were given little attention and allowed entrance. Rathion spotted an opening and they ditched their guises for that of healthy soldiers seeking action in the front ranks at the gate. This took them to the very precipice of bloodshed. Hardened warriors mistook the shame in their eyes for lack of experience and rushed the trio to the archer fortifications. Instinctively, Rathion began tossing the enemies over the cliffs when confronted with their ability to kill his brethren. This alerted the enemy to infiltration. However, Zarion and Darius escaped under the ruse of rookies in battle fleeing their first hand to hand combat. Zarion advised Darius where he thought the control mechanisms for the gate should be housed, based on a rudimentary evaluation of the supporting structures. Darius skillful pursued that course with haste and they found themselves facing with two guards and an officer at the control center. These would not be duped by lip services. Darius slipped into the shadows momentarily as Zarion openly approached, psionically charming one of the guards along the way. With eyes set only on the officer, Zarion held their attention for long enough to allow Darius the chance to backstab the officer. The two guards soon bickered and drew swords at one another. Zarion quickly dropped each level to set the gears into motion and open the gate. The enemy knew what this screeching noise meant and all their forces began fleeing the gate for the rear flank and the heavy forces stationed there. In this short time, Rathion had managed to not only fend off attackers, but he provided direct support for the oncoming tide of allies. Darius managed to off the officer in the control room as the two guards fled. Zarion took his seat in the control room and reflected on their luck in the mission. All were later given accolades for their roles in the mission.

Zarion was comforted by the occasional campfire meal with his cousin Cyril, as both were in the same brigade, as well as their new allies. But nothing would come as welcomed as The Treaty of Thronehold in 996, which resulted in the men of Harkonthorp being released from their military obligations. Zarion was discharged with honor and returned to reclaim his profession as a prison guard.

Gabriel Zophayel
Class: Cleric of the Sovereign Host
Prestidge Class: Inquisitor
Race: Illumian
Alignment: LN
Profession, Skills: Inquisition, Interrogation, healing, Battlecasting,
Weapon of Choice: Longsword
Parents: (Unknown) , Guardian: Father Hax Zophayel

Gabriel was born in the year 975. Gabriel knows nothing of his parents. He was left as an infant on the steps of Father Hax’s church. He was raised in the church of the Sovereign Host and taught its ways. Father Hax was always very kind and wise but Gabriel always had a vicious streak in him. Even as a child he was prone to fighting with the other children. This abrasive nature would lead to division between Gabriel’s beliefs and the beliefs of his father. Even at a young age Gabriel was prone to reject the theology of his father. Until one day when he had accompanied his father to the prison. One of the prisoners had mutilated himself and Father Hax was called to heal him. While the father was at work Gabriel wandered. He saw a dark figure at the end of the hall. Something about the figure seemed familiar and called to Gabriel. As Gabriel drew nearer the figure was revealed as an apparition. Gabriel screamed and tried to flee but found himself paralyzed by fear. As the figure loomed forward Gabriel instinctively clasped the holy symbol around his neck. The apparition was cast back. Gabriel held the symbol fourth and began to pray. Through the power of the Sovereign Host Gabriel had been saved. His devotion would never waver again. Father Hax had always intended that Gabriel would simply join him in running the church and in time would take over. But Gabriel would not hear of it. As soon as he turned 18 he went to work in the prison against his fathers wishes. Within the prison Gabriel served as a guard but also performed other duties. Over time he proved a talent for getting information from the prisoners. The old inquisitor Jedgen Nudarin was growing old and ineffective. When Jedgen retired his son Zarion came to work at the prison. Gabriel and Zarian worked well together in acquiring information. Though their methods greatly differed.

The town of HarkonThorp managed to remain outside the scope of the war all the way up until the end. In the year 994 Colonel Dultar visited Harkonthorp with a division of troops. It was decided that the young men of the town would be drafted and the prisoners would be turned into shock troops. Gabriel, his friends, and coworkers were marched off to a large encampment outside the city of Wroat. Because of their martial profession the prison guards received warrant officer training. Each of them took up a specialized skill. Though Gabriel proved himself in combat training he was neglected by the warlords. The combat instructor noticed Gabriel’s necklace and sent him to the “healers”. There in their ranks Gabriel found his place. His skill in combat allowed him to enter the most volatile situations. He became a battlehealer responsible for ensuring the survival of officers and other important personas. Secretly Gabriel paid more attention to insuring the survival of his friends. Gabrie’s first major engagement was at the battle of Cyredon. This battle was cut short as it was at this time that the event that would shake the continent to the core transpired. In one massive magical explosion the entire nation of Cyre was incinerated. Over the next 2 years Gabriel would take part in 4 more major engagements. In the year 996 the Treaty of Thronehold was signed effectively ended the war across the continent. The boys of HarkonThorp would be returning. But they were changed men.

Class: Scout
Prestidge Class: none
Race: Shifter
Alignment: NG
Profession, Skills: Scouting, tracking, Information gathering, Recon
Weapon of Choice: Short sword
Parents: Father: Argith (Shifter), Mother: Unknown, Sibling: Rathian, Possible many others
Born: 977

Darius was born sometime in 977. Hes knows nothing of his mother however due to his fathers strange behavior. His father is non other then Argith, a known womanizer. Apparently sometime after Darius was born Argith returned and took the child. His father will not elaborate on the subject any further. He has a half brother from the different mother who is virtually the same age. Rathians circumstances are much the same. As a child darius was smaller then the other children and often kept to himself. His brother Rathion was always the popular one and off socializing while Darius was left to his own devices. Darius seemed to like better that way. He would often go off by himself to wonder the countryside. Where he felt most at home. To this day it is said that no one knows the surrounding territory better. Though he and his brother ran in different circles they always fought together. The kids in town knew that if you fought one you would fight both and they were practiced at tandem attacks. An approach their father had shown them. And many fights they had as rumors constantly circulated about their father and his mysterious history. When Darius came of age he and his brother went to work at Harkondeep Prison. Darius was often utilised for scouting missions and other jobs which took advantage if his knowledge of the surrounding area. He enjoyed his work and all seemed well.

The town of HarkonThorp managed to remain outside the scope of the war all the way up until the end. In the year 994 Colonel Dultar visited Harkonthorp with a division of troops. It was decided that the young men of the town would be drafted and the prisoners would be turned into shock troops. Darius, his brother, his friends, and coworkers were marched off to a large encampment outside the city of Wroat. Because of their martial profession the prison guards received warrant officer training. Each of them took up a specialized skill. Darius was small and almost immediately excluded from combat training. He was instead picked up the Shadowguilders. A faction of the army that dealt in reconnaissance and other black operations. His brother Rathian had been chosen by the warlords but instead chose to accompany his brother. As the wars progressed Darius served in scouting missions. Later her would serve as part of a strike team that would sneak behind enemy lines. The first major engagement Darius participated in was the Battle of Cyredon. It was during this battle that the entire nation of Cyre was entirely incinerated by an arcane explosion of unknown origin. Some months later Darius was participating in his third engagement. A bloody affair that would come to be called the Battle of Bone gate. During this battle The Breland legions were stopped at the gates of the city. Darius accompanied by his brother and his friend Zarian snuck into the city and together managed to sabotage the gates. These actions helped secure the victory at the Battle of Bone Gate. Over the course of those 2 years Darius would serve in 2 more major engagements. In the year 996 The Treaty of Thronehold was signed thus ended the war across the continent. Darius and his Brother would be among the few men of HarkonThorp that would be returning home.

Class: Swashbuckler
Prestige Class: none
Race: Half Elf
Alignment: NG
Profession, Skills: Pursuit, capture, Rope use, Recon
Weapon of Choice: Rapier
Parents: Father: Argith (Shifter), Mother: Unknown, Sibling: Darius, Possible many others
Born: 977

Rathian was born sometime in 977. Hes knows nothing of his mother however due to his fathers strange behavior. His father is non other then Argith, a known womanizer. Apparently sometime after Rathian was born Argith returned and took the child. His father will not elaborate on the subject any further. He has a half brother from the different mother who is virtually the same age. Darius’s circumstances are much the same. As a child Rathian was very popular. A charisma he inherited from his father. Even at a young age he was capable of spectacular feats of dexterity. His half brother Darius did not enjoy any of this. Darius was always more of a loner. Still Rathian being the bigger of the two always sought to protect his brother. The brothers would always fight together. And it would remain this way even when the boys became adults. There were many such conflicts as the people in town always seemed to have something to say about the boys father and his mysterious past. When the boys were old enough they both went to work at Harkondeep prison. Rathian abilities brought him well earned respect. He was fast and agile. The few times a prisoner got out it was Rathian who would catch them. He and his brother enjoyed their jobs and their friends at Harkondeep prison.

The town of HarkonThorp managed to remain outside the scope of the war all the way up until the end. In the year 994 Colonel Dultar visited Harkonthorp with a division of troops. It was decided that the young men of the town would be drafted and the prisoners would be turned into shock troops. Rathian, his brother, his friends, and coworkers were marched off to a large encampment outside the city of Wroat. Because of their martial profession the prison guards received warrant officer training. Each of them took up a specialized skill. Rathian’s abilities in combat drew the attention of the warlords. But Rathians brother was being brought to serve with the Shadowguilders. Rathian elected to stick with his brother. Rathians abilities lead him to special training. During the war he was part of a special unit that would go behind enemy lines. It was their job to take out archers and sabotage siege equipment. The first major engagement Rathian participated in was the Battle of Cyredon. It was during this battle that the entire nation of Cyre was entirely incinerated by an arcane explosion of unknown origin. Some months later Rathian was participating in his third engagement. A bloody affair that would come to be called the Battle of Bone gate. During this battle The Breland legions were stopped at the gates of the city. Rathian accompanied by his brother and his friend Zarian, snuck into the city and managed to sabotage the gates. Rathian had a terrible time protected both his brother and Zarian but in the end it was well worth it. These actions helped secure the victory at the Battle of Bone Gate. Over the course of those 2 years Darius would serve in 2 more major engagements. In the year 996 The Treaty of Thronehold was signed thus ended the war across the continent. Rathian and his Brother would be among the few men of HarkonThorp that would be returning home.

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