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Prison NPCs:

Tinks: (Tinklan Owlbane, Deputy Warden) Gnome professional; Tinks is a childhood friend of the party. He is very smart, if not overly organized. He has an obsession with organization and the tendency to overwork himself as well as situations he deems important. Tink’s was never really taken serious by many people. Though in many situations he is quite capable. The fact that the party members are of the few who have ever taken him seriously accounts for his loyalty to them. Tink’s loving parents live in town and he cares greatly for Harkonthorp. He dreams of one day opening a library in town.

Tesdon: (Tesdon Dorrit, Maintanence Head) Human Handiman; Tesdon has worked at the prison for years. Now middle aged he is the head of maintainance but since the prisons reopening he has taken on many greater responisbilites. Tesdon has a wife in town (Shirly) and works hard. He is a man of few words. He is capable, innovative, and obedient but does not take kindly to people touching or meddling with his tools or equipment. Maintainance is his world and he does not allow other to trespass against him. Tesdon constantly wastes time rebuilding his warforged (Tool) whom he is extremely fond of.

Gormox the Intolerable: (Gormox, Overnight Gaurd, Gormox means Wise-one in Ogre tongue) Ogre Gambler/Marauder; The party met Gormox on a gambling ferry. Gabriel befriended him and came to live in Harkonthorp. Others find him introlerable but in town he is just another guy. He is actually quite intelligent but struggles to learn the common tongue. He has mad friends with Bug and the Mites. Gormox seldom speaks but often listens and observes.

Faxton: (Faxton Duhr, Communications officer, House Sivis Contracter) Gnome Professional; Faxton came on board from Ardev. The prison needed someone to operate the Sending Machine. Faxton has a good attention for detail and often provides a nice objective point of view on prison affairs. He actually works for house Sivis but is contracted to run prison communications. Faxton is still uncomfortable in town but is getting along.

Tool: (Tool, Prison Equipment) Tool is a substandard warforged. A true construct with minimum sentience. He does what he is instructed but when left alone will act indepentantly. Tool is many years old and was poorly constructed to begin with. Only through the TLC of Tesdon does Tool continue to function. Tesdon has modified Tool but adding various tools and equipment to his arsenal. When Tool is functioning at maximum efficiency he is incredibly useful.

Bug: (Buggurt Vrecktor, Overnight Superviser) Bug hails from the Goblinoid city of Indestructable. He came to work in town after learning his old boss had been killed. Bug is much more sophisticated Goblin like all the Goblins of the technologically inclined Indestructable. He manages the overnight shift at the prison and acts as translater for the goblinoid employees.

Render: (Render Dultan, Prison Ambassador to Father) Render encountered a Wyvern as a child. The creature sprayed him in the eyes with a substance that rendered him blind hencefourth. Academically Render was always above average intelligence. But an affliction such as his makes one virtual useless in the world. His brother is Rinrock, a grunt of retard intelligence. The two are often together and look out for each other. Overcoming their handicaps as one enitity. The creature known as Father asked the party to send him a representative. One who could perfom no other function. Render was chosen for this task. He wears a magical tooth necklace granted by father which guides him to the creature and supposedly marks him as an ambassador not to be interfered with.

Rinrock: (Rinrock Dalton, Guard) Rinrock is a retard. But is probably the strongest human in town. His brother is Render the Blind. Rinrock can perfom mundane prison responsibilities with some supervision. During the war Rinrock became an accomplished combatant. A vicious side exists to him which was not there before.

Duden: (Duden Gribbick, Guard) Duden is an average joe of some competence.

The Mites: (Won, Tow, Overnight guards) These 2 goblinoid Mites were once charmed by Zarion. They continued to hail Zarion as their master well after the charm effects had worn off. Originally there were 3 mites but Tre was killed in the battle with Sandemon.

Goph Neder: (Human Guard) Middle aged from Ardev
. Ollie Wood: (Human Guard) Middle aged from Ardev.
Bart Artman: (Dwarf Guard) From Ardev. Loves gold. Always talks.
Boyd: (Boyd Rutger, Stable keeper) Boyd is the stablemasters son.


Lex Datimer (Outlaw) --ESCAPED
Human, Serial Killer;
Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment;
Conviction: 4 counts of murder
aka Talig Cordo aka Goman Little, known as The Night terror assassin, the whores reaper, The Westman Strangler. Wanted in 14 cities and towns for theft, fraud, assault, rape, countless act of murder. He holds convictions for the murder of 17 women including the youngest daughter of Count Luthorp of Kazdan. He has been incarcerated on seven different occasions. He has escaped from custody 9 different times. He has broken out of 4 town jails and has on separate occasions escaped from 4 maximum security facilites, including Harkondeep. He is currently at large after his latest seuccessful escape from Harkondeep (Off the record he was allowed to escape by Tinks in exchange for information needed to free the party from Dragonkord Prison).
He is master of escape, and a skilled killer even with his hands. Datimer escaped Harkondeep just before the shutdown. He was the first prisoner to be incarcerated in new Harkondeep. The party captured him in the Goblin town of Indestrcutable. The party discovered that he had maintained an alliance with a Nerra (Nerra is a humanoid race that exists in a mirror universe) named Noran. They were both murders in their own world and used Norans powers to transverse from one world to the next via mirrors to escape when trapped.

Tark Durklyn (Outlaw):
Hassaf, Murderer, Kidnapper, Extorsionist;
Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment;
Conviction: 1 count Capitol Murder, 3 counts Murder, 7 counts kidnapping, 4 counts Extorsion
Tark hails from the plains of Sarlona where his people dwell. He is a Hassaf, which is a desert dwelling humanoid race with the ability to generate fire as well as many other supernatural abilites. Among these is the ability to Shapeshift into a mobile pile of sand. Tark tried escaping to a monastery atop Mount Tarsis. He had purchased sanctuary from an organization known as The Lords of Dust. He had an accomplice known as Ridder Nettex (Half Hassaf) who betrayed him in exchange for immunity. Tark was wanted particularly for killing a Breland Judge as well as a prosecuter and a witness after escaping custody. Tark now occupies a heavily modified prison cell with a single window and steel walls. A special draw is used to give him food.

Jacob Sanz (Outlaw):
Protean Scourge, Assassin;
Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment;
Conviction: 3 counts of assassination)
Jacob was a government assassin for Breland Central Command during The Last War. These assassin were a subfaction of the Shadowguilders known as The Black Scythe. During the early negotiations for peace the civilizaed nations of Khorvaire agreed to ban assassination. Deeming it an unethical means of warfare. After this point Jacob became a private assassin. Jacob was part of Project Daedalus, a project which scouted the possibility of inclusion of creatures in the ranks of the Breland army. The party was contracted with capturing Jacob after Jacob was hired by House Kudurak (The Banking house) to kill 3 theives which had robbed one of their banks. The party captured Sanz atop a train south of the city of Wroat. Jacob is a Protean Scourge, a humanoid monster race with magnificent supernatural abilites including the ability to split and replicate. These creatures having inherent murderous instincts.

Dorgrym Hayd:
Half Orc Barbarian, Serial Killer, Cannibal;
Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment;
Conviction: 3 counts of murder and mutilation
Dorgrym is a savage barbarian. A lone marauder who calculates and stalks his prey. For many months he was preying on the villages of eastern Breland. Taking people in the night and slowly devouring them back in the wild. Dorgrym was captured by the adventuring party known as Halac’s Heroes. Dorrym now occupies a cell designed to maintain those of greater then average strength.

Argon Falco:
Hobgoblin Holyslayer, Assassin, Murderer
Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment
Conviction: 4 Counts of murder
Argon Falco was a tool utilized by the Church of the Dark One. Primarily operated out of Droam Argon commited numerous slayings of Church members of the Soveriegn Host. Argon is maniacal believing himself to be the hand of the dark gods. His imprisonment bothers him little as it is a short stay until he joins his breatheren in the afterlife where great rewards await him for his deeds. He was captured just over the Droam border by Dukarde and his requisition team.

Edgar Dobler:
Gnomish expert, scholar, aristocrat,
Sentence: 25 years
Conviction: Capitol Flight, Laundering, Embezzlement, Fraud, Larceny
Edgar is a middle aged gnomish lawyer of keen intellect. He is the former chairman of the Brelish Board of Commerce. The board has the authority to freeze assets during investigations. Edgar was utilizing these frozen assets as investments which he then borrowed against. The full spectrum of his scam is impossibly convoluted. Edgar has become a poster boy for the new crimes the magical revolution has made possible. His sentence and subsequent imprisonment to Harkondeep is believed to be more of political message then an appropriate punishment.

Noran*: Noran is not technically a prisoner in Harkondeep. He was Lex Datimers accomplice and an outlaw in his mirror universe. He was capture by a bounty hunter in that realm called Kaldeem. Kaldeem altered the mirror in Lex Datimer’s cell to act as window to Noran’s cell in the other world. His hope was that the spirits of Harkondeep would bring their hauntings to his prisoner aswell. Little is know of Noran’s race other then they are called Nerra and some have the ability to jump between parellell planes using mirrors as gateways.

The Nerra of the Mirrorverse Left: Noran the prisoner, Kaldeem the Bounty Hunter, and a wizard

Town NPCs

Dunny Din’ Dugan: Dwarven Smith. Mayor of Harkondeep. Runs Dunnys Goods.

Misses Redler: Ranking member of the council of Elders. Runs the school. Former wife of the exwarden.

Morgot Deadskin: Elder, owner and operater of the Deadskin tavern. Has a wife Leira.

Father Hax: Elder, Keeper of the Church of the Soveriegn Host. Step father and mentor of Gabriel. Quite old and near decrepid.

Pat Rutger: Stable master. Has a son Boyd and a wife Jenna.

Argith: Town player and generally shady character. Father of Darius and Rathian.

Andona Nudarin: Widow and seamstress. Step mother of Zarion and Aunt of Cyril.

Micellaneous NPCs:

Kaldeem: A Nerra Bounty hunter from the Mirrorverse. He caught Datimer.

Scimitar: Evil warforged adventurer and mercenary. Often works for the Emerald Claw. He was responsible for killing the adventure known as Tank and steeling Tanks identity to join Halac’s Heroes.

Lucan Stellos: Former Dark lantern, Turned Vampire and stole Soulblade. Gabriel destroyed him.

Viorr Maelak: Captain in the Dark Lanterns. Based in Ardev. Party contact.

Halac’s heroes: Hallac (Shifter Ranger), Tank (Warforged Warrior), Detlin Solnar (Half Orc Cleric of the Silver Flame), and Dukarde. Halac’s Heroes is an adventuring party that has gained some reknown as of late. They captured prisoner Dorgrym Hayd. They had performed many missions for Lady Eleydrin of Hosue Cannith in Sharn. On an continuing mission to assemble multiple Schemas for a grand creation pattern to some unknown magical item.

Dukarde:Dukarde was a childhood friend to the party but joined Halacs Heroes.

Colonel Dultar: Colonel in the 3rd Legion. The Commander who originally commandeered the prisoners of Harkondeep.

Mar Grimthold: A Master Sargent Enforcer. Mentor to Cyril.

Yulorian: A Half Elf Sargent Psi-ops. Mentor to Zarion

Madeas: Spirit in Harkondeep. Wizard mentor to Zarion

Father: Mysterious creature in the mountains near Harkonthorp. Claims providence over the region and is consulted on important decisions. Render is his Ambassador.

Trent Dotson: Prison guard for another prison. Had a brief stay in Harkondeep.

Grozarius Brothers: Bart, Art, & Hector. Traders that travel on turtle back.

Constable Ordock: Goblin constable of Town Indestructable

Galar: Minataur warrior of Droam, Party saved his nephew.

Major Gallard: Commander of Blackwood Cleft citadel

Commander Tral: A lower rank commander at Blackwood Cleft

Ridder Netex: Accomplice of Tark Durklyn. Lives in Ardev.

Jasper Hillkiller: Famous mountain Climber at BitterEnd near Mt Tarsis

Longtooth: Winter Wolf lord on Mount Tarsis

Simar: Rahkasa lord at Monastery of Spirits Dawning. Former Lord of Dust.

Atremis Thuerge: Assassin who was sent to kill Jacob, but he was killed.

Gimzlo Stedwin, Endo, Orboto Rue (aka Douglas Portabello)

Gonto Alizair: Wealthy businessman in Galethspyre. Party friend.

Benton Swords: Cardplaying Swashbuckler.

Mister Fireforge: Matridee’ at the Exquisitore’ in Galethspyre

Thoren Murdock: Famous bounty hunter.

Ambassador Lady Neya Ir’Krell of Aundair: Resides in Trolanport

Grilsha Stellos: Sister to Lucan, a wizard. Arrested by Aundair

Meena Ir’Erdalis: A lead agent for the Royal eyes of Aundair. Met in Trolanport.

Lahorak: A Baghest agent of Droam and the daughters of Sora Kell

Aryndee’: Female Elvin warrior. Aided party on hunt for Lucan

Lord Drakar: Gonto’s magnificient horse. World famous and spectacular.

Gurtle Mack: A builder and developer. One of 12 brothers named after their father. The First Gurtle Mack who is very famous. –GM-

Lady Eleydrin of House Cannith, In Sharn. Patron to Halac’s Heroes.

Captain Hyam: Gnomish captain of the undersea vessel Sea Dart

Underwateraction Jaxon: Gnome chief of the undersea vessel Sea Dart.

Zaraithion: An undead Bodak in service to the Emerald Claw. He was killed by the party but not before exploding the hearts of Cyril and Gabriel.

High Priest Zalorum of The Silver Flame: at the Church in Stormreach. Gave of his life to draw the evil from the lives of Cyril and Gabriel.

Brother Dunabar: Priest at the church of the Silver Flame in Stormreach.

Captain Morgis: Half Elf, Gruff Airship captain of House Lyrandar. Former captain of the now destroy Airship Cloud’s Destiny.




Breland Central Command: (Also known as Brelands Citadel)  The command center for the forces of King Baronel and the nation of Breland. Central Command is located in the capitol city of Wroat.


Lords of Dust: The Lords of Dust are a Chaotic evil cabal of Rahkasa’s and other fiends. They hide in the shadows of Khorvaire plotting to free their ancient masters from the depths of Khyber. It is said that there is no hierarchy within the Lords of Dust. They operate as separate autonomous cells working in collusion rarely and only when it serves the common cause. The Lords of Dust are ancient and their motivations are difficult to flesh out. Often they move to further a greater cause while other times they simply seek to create chaos. The party has indirectly encounter the Lords of Dust on few occasions. It was the Lords of Dust who granted Tark Durklyn sanctuary and protection in the Monastery atop Mount Tarsis. The party never fully understood the dynamic but the monastery atop Mount Tarsis was some kind of exile realm for outcast Lords of Dust. While hunting Lucan Stellos Darius met a weretiger tracker named Sasha who was employed by The Lords of Dust.


The Order of the Emerald Claw: Once a great knightly order in the country of Karrnath. The entire knighthood has been deemed outlawed and is now viewed as a group of terrorists. In the darkest corners of the world agents of this organization continue to appear.


The Dark Lanterns: The Dark Lanterns are the intelligence Branch of Brelands Citadel. The Dark Lantern’s follow the King’s fourth mandate which states that the Dark Lantern’s must hear and see everything, for information is power which can protect the crown from all threats. They are a well funded intelligence agency that has an elaborate network of secret agents and informants. The party has performed some missions for the Dark Lanterns. Lucan Stellos was once part of this organization. The parties last contact was with Captain Viorr Maelak of Ardev. The Dark Lantern’s maintain a base in an abandoned tower in Ardev and a secret base beneath the Bathhouse in Galethspyre.



Alphabetical Listing of All NPCs (Reference) –05-17-05

Aldayen Imshay (Elf): Resident of Harkonthorp

Ambassador Lady Neya Ir’Krell of Aundair: Resides in Trolanport

Andona Nudarin: Widow and seamstress. Step mother of Zarion and Aunt of Cyril.

Arden Janex (Shifter): Resident of Harkonthorp

Argith: Town player and generally shady character. Father of Darius and Rathian.

Aryndee’: Female Elvin warrior. Aided party on hunt for Lucan

Atremis Thuerge: Assassin who was sent to kill Jacob, but he was killed.

Bart Artman: (Dwarf Guard) From Ardev. Loves gold. Always talks.

Benton Swords: Cardplaying Swashbuckler.

Bluflame Family (Elves): Family that lives in Harkonthorp

Boss Kurgen: Former Boss of prison guards. Never returned from Last War.

Boyd: (Boyd Rutger, Stable keeper) Boyd is the stablemasters son.

Breland Central Command: (Also known as Brelands Citadel)  The command center for the forces of King Baronel and the nation of Breland. Central Command is located in the capitol city of Wroat.

Brother Dunabar: Priest at the church of the Silver Flame in Stormreach.

Bug: (Buggurt Vrecktor, Overnight Superviser) Bug hails from the Goblinoid city of Indestructable. He came to work in town after learning his old boss had been killed. Bug is much more sophisticated Goblin like all the Goblins of the technologically inclined Indestructable. He manages the overnight shift at the prison and acts as translater for the goblinoid employees.

Captain Hyam: Gnomish captain of the undersea vessel Sea Dart

Captain Morgis: Half Elf, Gruff Airship captain of House Lyrandar. Former captain of the now destroy Airship Cloud’s Destiny.

Colonel Dultar: Colonel in the 3rd Legion. The Commander who originally commandeered the prisoners of Harkondeep.

Commander Tral: A lower rank commander at Blackwood Cleft

Constable Ordock: Goblin constable of Town Indestructable

Dorgrym Hayd: (Half Orc Barbarian, Serial Killer, Cannibal; Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment; Conviction: 3 counts of murder and mutilation) Dorgrym is a savage barbarian. A lone marauder who calculates and stalks his prey. For many months he was preying on the villages of eastern Breland. Taking people in the night and slowly devouring them back in the wild. Dorgrym was captured by the adventuring party known as Halac’s Heroes. Dorrym now occupies a cell designed to maintain those of greater then average strength.

Duden: (Duden Gribbick, Guard) Duden is an average joe of some competence.

Dukarde Family: Family that lives in Harkonthorp

Dukarde:Dukarde was a childhood friend to the party but joined Halacs Heroes.

Dultan Family (Mrs Reena Dultan, widow) Mother of Rinrock & Render.

Dunabar: See Brother Dunabar

Dunny Din’ Dugan: Dwarven Smith. Mayor of Harkondeep. Runs Dunnys Goods.

Eleydrin: See Lady Eleydrin

Emerald Claw: See The Order of the Emerald Claw.

Endo: Theif who robbed a bank and was hunted by Jacob Sanz.

Father Hax: Elder, Keeper of the Church of the Soveriegn Host. Step father and mentor of Gabriel. Quite old and near decrepid.

Father: Mysterious creature in the mountains near Harkonthorp. Claims providence over the region and is consulted on important decisions. Render is his Ambassador.

Faxton: (Faxton Duhr, Communications officer, House Sivis Contracter) Gnome Professional; Faxton came on board from Ardev. The prison needed someone to operate the Sending Machine. Faxton has a good attention for detail and often provides a nice objective point of view on prison affairs. He actually works for house Sivis but is contracted to run prison communications. Faxton is still uncomfortable in town but is getting along.

Galar: Minataur warrior of Droam, Party saved his nephew.

Gimzlo Stedwin, Endo, Orboto Rue (aka Douglas Portabello)3 theieves

Gimzlo: Theif who robbed a bank and was killed by Jacob Sanz.

Gonto Alizair: Wealthy businessman in Galethspyre. Party friend.

Goph Neder: (Human Guard) Middle aged from Ardev.

Gormox the Intolerable: (Gormox, Overnight Gaurd, Gormox means Wise-one in Ogre tongue) Ogre Gambler/Marauder; The party met Gormox on a gambling ferry. Gabriel befriended him and came to live in Harkonthorp. Others find him introlerable but in town he is just another guy. He is actually quite intelligent but struggles to learn the common tongue. He has mad friends with Bug and the Mites. Gormox seldom speaks but often listens and observes.

Grilsha Stellos: Sister to Lucan, a wizard. Arrested by Aundair

Grozarius Brothers: Bart, Art, & Hector. Traders that travel on turtle back.

Gudkin Family: Family that lives in Harkonthorp

Gurtle Mack: A builder and developer. One of 12 brothers named after their father. The First Gurtle Mack who is very famous. –GM-

Halac’s heroes: Hallac (Shifter Ranger), Tank (Warforged Warrior), Detlin Solnar (Half Orc Cleric of the Silver Flame), and Dukarde. Halac’s Heroes is an adventuring party that has gained some reknown as of late. They captured prisoner Dorgrym Hayd. They had performed many missions for Lady Eleydrin of Hosue Cannith in Sharn. On an continuing mission to assemble multiple Schemas for a grand creation pattern to some unknown magical item.

He is master of escape, and a skilled killer even with his hands. Datimer escaped Harkondeep just before the shutdown. He was the first prisoner to be incarcerated in new Harkondeep. The party captured him in the Goblin town of Indestrcutable. The party discovered that he had maintained an alliance with a Nerra (Nerra is a humanoid race that exists in a mirror universe) named Noran. They were both murders in their own world and used Norans powers to transverse from one world to the next via mirrors to escape when trapped.

High Priest Zalorum of The Silver Flame: at the Church in Stormreach. Gave of his life to draw the evil from the lives of Cyril and Gabriel.

Hogard Rearden (Dwarf): Resident of Harkonthorp

Hyam: See Captain Hyam

Jack Clankett: hunter of Harkonthorp. Friend of Mick Dagget

Jacob Sanz (Outlaw): (Protean Scourge, Assassin; Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment; Conviction: 3 counts of assassination)

Jacob was a government assassin for Breland Central Command during The Last War. These assassin were a subfaction of the Shadowguilders known as The Black Scythe. During the early negotiations for peace the civilizaed nations of Khorvaire agreed to ban assassination. Deeming it an unethical means of warfare. After this point Jacob became a private assassin. Jacob was part of Project Daedalus, a project which scouted the possibility of inclusion of creatures in the ranks of the Breland army. The party was contracted with capturing Jacob after Jacob was hired by House Kudurak (The Banking house) to kill 3 theives which had robbed one of their banks. The party captured Sanz atop a train south of the city of Wroat. Jacob is a Protean Scourge, a humanoid monster race with magnificent supernatural abilites including the ability to split and replicate. These creatures having inherent murderous instincts.

Jasper Hillkiller: Famous mountain Climber at BitterEnd near Mt Tarsis

Jaxon: See Underwateraction Jaxon

Johnny Black: (Human Guard, Age 17)

Kaldeem: A Nerra Bounty hunter from the Mirrorverse. He caught Datimer.

King Baronel: The King of Breland

Krell: See Ambassador Lady Neya Ir' Krell

Lady Eleydrin of House Cannith, In Sharn. Patron to Halac’s Heroes.

Lahorak: A Baghest agent of Droam and the daughters of Sora Kell

Lelow Gipson (Halfling): Resident of Harkonthorp

Lex Datimer (Outlaw) (Human, Serial Killer; Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment; Conviction: 4 counts of murder) aka Talig Cordo aka Goman Little, known as The Night terror assassin, the whores reaper, The Westman Strangler.

Wanted in 14 cities and towns for theft, fraud, assault, rape, countless act of murder. He holds convictions for the murder of 17 women including the youngest daughter of Count Luthorp of Kazdan. He has been incarcerated on seven different occasions. He has escaped from custody 9 different times. He has broken out of 4 town jails and has on separate occasions escaped from 4 maximum security facilites, including Harkondeep.

He is master of escape, and a skilled killer even with his hands. Datimer escaped Harkondeep just before the shutdown. He was the first prisoner to be incarcerated in new Harkondeep. The party captured him in the Goblin town of Indestrcutable. The party discovered that he had maintained an alliance with a Nerra (Nerra is a humanoid race that exists in a mirror universe) named Noran. They were both murders in their own world and used Norans powers to transverse from one world to the next via mirrors to escape when trapped.

Longtooth: Winter Wolf lord on Mount Tarsis

Lord Drakar: Gonto’s magnificient horse. World famous and spectacular.

Lords of Dust: The Lords of Dust are a Chaotic evil cabal of Rahkasa’s and other fiends. They hide in the shadows of Khorvaire plotting to free their ancient masters from the depths of Khyber. It is said that there is no hierarchy within the Lords of Dust. They operate as separate autonomous cells working in collusion rarely and only when it serves the common cause. The Lords of Dust are ancient and their motivations are difficult to flesh out. Often they move to further a greater cause while other times they simply seek to create chaos. The party has indirectly encounter the Lords of Dust on few occasions. It was the Lords of Dust who granted Tark Durklyn sanctuary and protection in the Monastery atop Mount Tarsis. The party never fully understood the dynamic but the monastery atop Mount Tarsis was some kind of exile realm for outcast Lords of Dust. While hunting Lucan Stellos Darius met a weretiger tracker named Sasha who was employed by The Lords of Dust.

Lucan Stellos: Former Dark lantern, Turned Vampire and stole Soulblade. Gabriel destroyed him.

Mack: See Gurtle Mack

Madeas: Spirit in Harkondeep. Wizard mentor to Zarion

Major Gallard: Commander of Blackwood Cleft citadel

Mar Grimthold: A Master Sargent Enforcer. Mentor to Cyril.

Mayor Gharton: Former Mayor of Harkonthorp. Now deceased.

Meena Ir’Erdalis: A lead agent for the Royal eyes of Aundair. Met in Trolanport.

Mick Dagget: hunter of Harkonthorp. Friend of Jack Clankett

Misses Redler: Ranking member of the council of Elders. Runs the school. Former wife of the exwarden.

Mister Fireforge: Matridee’ at the Exquisitore’ in Galethspyre

Morgis, Captain: See Captain Morgis

Morgot Deadskin: Elder, owner and operater of the Deadskin tavern. Has a wife Leira.

Mrs Ruestead: Former Deputy Wardens widow

Murdock: See Thoren Murdock

Noran*: Noran is not technically a prisoner in Harkondeep. He was Lex Datimers accomplice and an outlaw in his mirror universe. He was capture by a bounty hunter in that realm called Kaldeem. Kaldeem altered the mirror in Lex Datimer’s cell to act as window to Noran’s cell in the other world. His hope was that the spirits of Harkondeep would bring their hauntings to his prisoner aswell. Little is know of Noran’s race other then they are called Nerra and some have the ability to jump between parellell planes using mirrors as gateways.

Ollie Wood: (Human Guard) Middle aged from Ardev.

Orboto Rue: aka Douglas Portabello: Theif who robbed a bank and was killed by Jacob Saz

Owlbane Family (Gnomes): Family that lives in Harkonthorp

Pat Rutger: Stable master. Has a son Boyd and a wife Jenna.

Remmy Mantle: Very old resident of Harkonthorp.

Render: (Render Dultan, Prison Ambassador to Father) Render encountered a Wyvern as a child. The creature sprayed him in the eyes with a substance that rendered him blind hencefourth. Academically Render was always above average intelligence. But an affliction such as his makes one virtual useless in the world. His brother is Rinrock, a grunt of retard intelligence. The two are often together and look out for each other. Overcoming their handicaps as one enitity. The creature known as Father asked the party to send him a representative. One who could perfom no other function. Render was chosen for this task. He wears a magical tooth necklace granted by father which guides him to the creature and supposedly marks him as an ambassador not to be interfered with.

Ridder Netex: Accomplice of Tark Durklyn. Lives in Ardev.

Rinrock: (Rinrock Dalton, Guard) Rinrock is a retard. But is probably the strongest human in town. His brother is Render the Blind. Rinrock can perfom mundane prison responsibilities with some supervision. During the war Rinrock became an accomplished combatant. A vicious side exists to him which was not there before.

Rusen Hurt (Kalashtar): Resident of Harkonthorp

Rutger Family: Family that lives in Harkonthorp

Sampson Family: Family that lives in Harkonthorp

Scimitar: Evil warforged adventurer and mercenary. Often works for the Emerald Claw. He was responsible for killing the adventure known as Tank and steeling Tanks identity to join Halac’s Heroes.

Simar: Rahkasa lord at Monastery of Spirits Dawning. Former Lord of Dust.

Soulblade, The: One of many magical weapons forged in Karrnath and given to Karrnathian Warlords to make them undefeatable in combat. One of the Soulblades was stolen by Lucan Stellos.

Tank: A warforged adventurer. Member of Halac's Heroes. Dead. Killed and replaced by Scimitar

Tark Durklyn (Outlaw): (Hassaf, Murderer, Kidnapper, Extorsionist; Sentence: Indefinite Imprisonment; Conviction: 1 count Capitol Murder, 3 counts Murder, 7 counts kidnapping, 4 counts Extorsion) Tark hails from the plains of Sarlona where his people dwell. He is a Hassaf, which is a desert dwelling humanoid race with the ability to generate fire as well as many other supernatural abilites. Among these is the ability to Shapeshift into a mobile pile of sand. Tark tried escaping to a monastery atop Mount Tarsis. He had purchased sanctuary from an organization known as The Lords of Dust. He had an accomplice known as Ridder Nettex (Half Hassaf) who betrayed him in exchange for immunity. Tark was wanted particularly for killing a Breland Judge as well as a prosecuter and a witness after escaping custody.  Tark now occupies a heavily modified prison cell with a single window and steel walls. A special draw is used to give him food.

Tesdon: (Tesdon, Maintanence Head) Human Handiman; Tesdon has worked at the prison for years. Now middle aged he is the head of maintainance but since the prisons reopening he has taken on many greater responisbilites. Tesdon has a wife in town (Shirly) and works hard. He is a man of few words. He is capable, innovative, and obedient but does not take kindly to people touching or meddling with his tools or equipment. Maintainance is his world and he does not allow other to trespass against him. Tesdon constantly wastes time rebuilding his warforged (Tool) whom he is extremely fond of.

The Dark Lanterns: The Dark Lanterns are the intelligence Branch of Brelands Citadel. The Dark Lantern’s follow the King’s fourth mandate which states that the Dark Lantern’s must hear and see everything, for information is power which can protect the crown from all threats. They are a well funded intelligence agency that has an elaborate network of secret agents and informants. The party has performed some missions for the Dark Lanterns. Lucan Stellos was once part of this organization. The parties last contact was with Captain Viorr Maelak of Ardev. The Dark Lantern’s maintain a base in an abandoned tower in Ardev and a secret base beneath the Bathhouse in Galethspyre.

The Mites: (Won, Tow, Tree, Overnight guards) These 3 goblinoid Mites were once charmed by Zarion. They continued to hail Zarion as their master well after the charm effects had worn off.

The Order of the Emerald Claw: Once a great knightly order in the country of Karrnath. The entire knighthood has been deemed outlawed and is now viewed as a group of terrorists. In the darkest corners of the world agents of this organization continue to appear.

Thoren Murdock: Famous bounty hunter.

Tinks: (Tinklan Owlbane, Deputy Warden) Gnome professional; Tinks is a childhood friend of the party. He is very smart, if not overly organized. He has an obsession with organization and the tendency to overwork himself as well as situations he deems important. Tink’s was never really taken serious by many people. Though in many situations he is quite capable. The fact that the party members are of the few who have ever taken him seriously accounts for his loyalty to them. Tink’s loving parents live in town and he cares greatly for Harkonthorp. He dreams of one day opening a library in town.

Tool: (Tool, Prison Equipment) Tool is a substandard warforged. A true construct with minimum sentience. He does what he is instructed but when left alone will act indepentantly. Tool is many years old and was poorly constructed to begin with. Only through the TLC of Tesdon does Tool continue to function. Tesdon has modified Tool but adding various tools and equipment to his arsenal. When Tool is functioning at maximum efficiency he is incredibly useful.

Tral: See Commander Tral

Trent Dotson: Prison guard for another prison. Had a brief stay in Harkondeep.

Underwateraction Jaxon: Gnome chief of the undersea vessel Sea Dart.

Viorr Maelak: Captain in the Dark Lanterns. Based in Ardev. Party contact.

Wanted in 14 cities and towns for theft, fraud, assault, rape, countless act of murder. He holds convictions for the murder of 17 women including the youngest daughter of Count Luthorp of Kazdan. He has been incarcerated on seven different occasions. He has escaped from custody 9 different times. He has broken out of 4 town jails and has on separate occasions escaped from 4 maximum security facilites, including Harkondeep.

Warden Redler: Former Warden of Harkondeep. Now a spirit which has visited the Prison.

Yulorian: A Half Elf Sargent Psi-ops. Mentor to Zarion

Zalorum: See High priest Zalorum

Zaraithion: An undead Bodak in service to the Emerald Claw. He was killed by the party but not before exploding the hearts of Cyril and Gabriel.







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