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Thane Gallagar

Thane Gallagar is what I'd consider the main character. He seems to be the basis of the stories that go on in Foreign Realms.

Not much is known about this character. He is a ruthless character, widely feared in the Fantasy and Midevil worlds. He used to be a pirate captain, but I'm not sure if he still is one. I believe he's now a merchant (mafia type) man. He has a lot of power and can easily obtain more (if he wants it.)

He kidnapped Sakura-sama and forced her to make him usefull war devices but she refused and he killed her. This greatly angered Asura Drake and Okkan Yushou. Thane doesn't make many friends and can't seem to keep the ones he does make. He doesn't care though because he is the carrier of the Muse Crest which gives him water-based magic that he doesn't know he has.

Thane is played by Nathan Mannerberg. I have no idea how he came up with his character idea so don't ask me.

Here are some pictures I have of Thane Gallagar during the birth of our RPG. I think in all of the older pictures of us we are fourteen or fifteen years old. I know they were freshmen and I was a sophmore. Active imaginations, but I'll be posting some nice pics of Thane soon.