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Fruitarian Delight


Fruitarianism is a relatively new concept in this generation and in our time, although it is actually a revival from very ancient history, dating back millions of years.   Being an unfamiliar concept, it is looked upon with suspicion because in terms of fruitarianism, fruit is a total food and humanity is educated to look at food in the form of calories, vitamins  and minerals which, according to medical and nutritionist sources, is not sufficiently available in a fruit diet. 

This is not true. Read this with some deeper thought:  There is actually nothing wrong with the fruit — when grown naturally and organic — it is ‘humanity’, “WE”, who are not as yet able to absorb the valuable ingredients of the fruit. Think of this! 

Fruitarianism is not an isolated idea, nor is it just a fad.  Scientific proof is substantiated by intensive research and studies on the teeth of our earliest ancestors.  Dr Alan Walker and his associates, anthropologists at John Hopkins University, using the most modern electronic microscopic equipment, state: “Preliminary studies of fossil teeth have led to the startling suggestion that our early human ancestors (Australoptheans) were not predominantly meat-eaters or even eaters of seeds, shoots, leaves or grasses, nor were they omnivorous.   Instead they appear to have subsisted chiefly on a diet of fruit.   Every tooth examined from the hominids of the 12 million year period leading up to Homo Erectus appeared to be that of a fruit-eater.”  Published in the New York  Times, May 1979, 

A predominant fruit diet brings great benefit to physical and mental well-being.  The reason for this is because FRUIT IS A LIVE FOOD!. (being an “ALIVE” food). Fruit is laden with enzymes, fruit is already partly in a pre-digested state, it is ripened by the Sun.  When we pick the fruit it stays alive for quite a long time, keeps ripening.  By eating fruit we do not destroy any life. Fruit has the seed within itself and by spreading the seed we co-operate with the reproduction of new fruit.    

Of course, vegetables are “Alive” also, however there is a difference!  The difference is that as soon as a vegetable has been ‘cut’ from its source, it will wilt and every housewife knows that you have to keep vegetables wet and cool in the fridge.  We can observe the watering hoses in supermarkets and green grocer shops.  This is not the case with fruit, as stated above, fruit will even keep ripening, while most fruit will keep well for many days even outside of the fridge.. 

We have within our reach the possession of the most


It costs you nothing but the change in your diet and lifestyle


Eating fruit is harmless, nothing is disadvantaged.   Our bodies are also LIVE bodies, our trillions of cells are constantly renewing and they need nutrition that is ALIVE.    How can dead food bring life?  How can we enhance our physical and mental well-being with foods which have lost virtually most of their value by cooking and baking?

Is it not understood that heat and fire destroy?  Even a child knows this.  Why then does most of humanity still stick to the cooking of  food?  When heat destroys life — observe the many deserts in countries where the heat of the sun has ‘burned’ out LIVE, no more trees and shrubs, etc.. —-  and the same happens to food that is heated!  Why the refusal to see this?  Ask yourself about the FACT/TRUTH of this! 

Of all foods, fruit has one of the highest cleansing capacities and when on a predominantly fruit diet, the body makes use of this cleansing capacity to detoxify itself and then to eliminate those toxins.   This really is the ‘secret’ of the diet, its cleansing abilities and giving the body a chance to purify itself.

Here again, there is a subtle difference between fruit and vegetables. Most, if not all vegetables originated from herbs.  Herbs are medicinal and contain a natural “antidote”, a mild natural poison which are kind of “healing”, actually, poisons may suppress symptoms.  So, taking an ‘overall’ picture, vegetables are generally healing while fruit is generally cleansing. 

A purified body will never be subject to any ill-health or disease.   We are being told that viruses and bacteria are “roaming” around and are  invading us. I ask you, would flies swarm around a clean dustbin!!  Hence, when you have a toxic body, the bacteria have a chance to feed on those toxins and bring forth illness and disease. Has “Providence” made your life in such a way that you “have to” suffer illness and disease?   Do you think it is because you are getting older, or do you think it is “natural”, just part of human life?  Would the ‘Creator’ have made a mistake?  Having healthy, alive animals, birds, fish, insects etc. in the wild, but a sick humanity on this Planet Earth? Think of this! 

No, humanity is sick because humans are eating foods which are not suitable  for their bodies, and this results in the accumulation of toxins.  In turn, this also will affect the mind! Does it not make sense that when you feel not well, there are all kinds of negative thoughts, is it not ’irritating’ that you are restricted in what you want to do because of your illness?  Think of this!  

Do you know that the body is actually “Self-Healing”? It always endeavours to stay alive, we know well how humans can survive in the most terrible circumstances.  This is because the body uses first its not so essential elements before it starts to use the vital parts of the body. We may be aware of the stories of people in the concentration camps during WWII.  

What is your illness, or your disease?  Now, this is a contentious   part, which may be totally new to you. It is outlined in the philosophies and principles of “Natural Hygiene” and it is the innate intelligence of the body itself, — being an “alive” body — created and made up of the trillions of LIVE cells that institute a “HEALING CRISIS”. 

The ‘self healing body’ creates this ‘healing crisis’ to rid itself of poisons and THIS is your so called illness or disease.  Try to understand this.  When you get a fever, it is the body telling you something. It tells you to take action and to give the body a rest by a fast on water for a day or two days. (don’t fast for longer than 3 days on water when you are not familiar with the process, seek advice from someone experienced in this area). 

When you get a ‘cold’, or the ‘flu’, this is nothing more than a ‘healing crisis’ and instead of using drugs and medicines, which themselves contain poisons only suppressing the symptom, cooperate with that crisis and rest, drink a home-made vegetable or fruit juice, eat little only, or fast for a day or two.  The same is happening when the healing crisis involves the more sensitive parts of your body, like the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, when you get a ‘boil’ on the skin etc.  All these are signs from your body that there is something to be rejected from it and this is the toxicity which causes your crisis and the toxicity in turn was caused by the eating of foods which are not suitable for your body and includes cooked, dead food!  Try to understand this, think of it! 

Bacteria are all around us and within us. They form part of our natural life and belong to this planet Earth. It is your duty to look after your “temple” and not give the bad bacteria a chance to feed on toxins! 

By changing your diet to all raw food and eventually to a predominantly fruit diet, and changing your way of thinking, .could bring great benefits to your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.  Any such change-over must take place on a GRADUAL basis, as too fast a detoxification may cause problems.  Think of it how natural a raw food/fruitarian diet is, how logical it is to  eat LIVE  food,  experiment  for yourself a bit and see how it will work for you. You be surprised how easy it really is!  

The easiest way to start your journey towards the life-giving path is to eat fresh fruit on an empty stomach in the mornings. Later in the day have a nice salad, easy to fantasize nice ones.  There are books with “Raw recipes”. Have some snack in between of some nuts, some seed, some dried fruit etc.  Keep on to your ’old’ diet later on, however, try to diminish your intake of the non-live food.  Like coffee, teas, commercial drinks, meat, dairy products, eggs, white sugar sweets and chocolate and more. No smoking, less or no alcohol! Just take less of each and gradually go over to the better Natural diet. Maybe some can do certain changes at once, that’s fine, but most may need to go gradually. 

You will be going to feel a difference.  The body, getting more of the natural food, will commence a detoxification process with some discomforts that go with it, but cooperate.  You may feel your weight going down, you may feel lethargic, tired, or get certain symptoms, even mentally!  These are all signs that the detoxification is working for you—cooperate!  Ask for advice from experienced Natural Hygienists  

Are you interested in a fruitarian/raw food diet, but have no idea how to go about it?   It is your natural food.  You may contact “The Fruitarian Network” for consultation.  P.O. Box 293, Trinity Beach, Qld 4879. Coordinator, René Beresford. E-mail: 

 The Fruitarian Network was founded in 1988 and is known world-wide with the regular publication of a “Newsletter/Magazine”.  


Eating fruit is the most peaceful way of eating. You are actually “eating” ‘sunshine’, eating ‘love’, it is so easy to digest, giving you plenty of energy and great health on top of it.  It brings you peace of mind, serenity, you will feel a closer unity with nature, you will feel a deeper awareness of spiritual issues, you automatically are saving the animal world and nature, you will have more mental perception and clarity. 

Fruit is a food of Truth, its essence is Love, a Gift from creation to us!