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Bio Form

This is the bio form I would like everyone to use when submitting a charcter to Dark Crystal RPG. Just highlight it and copy it onto an e-mail msg or post to this address. Remember, you must join the OOC group before submitting a character. How? Just put your e-mail address in the box below and click the Yahoo button. Then, be sure to send you bio form to that group to be approved or rejected, depending on what you put of course.

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And here if the form that is to be filled out. Please fill it out as thoroughly as you can. This makes your character more believable. Any questions, feel free to ask the OOC group. Remember, if you character is approved, or you would like to watch the game, be sure to join the actual game group to.

Remember, Jen and Kira are not in this game. And anyone creating an UrRu or Skeksis must create a counterpart of the opposite species to maintain balance.

Player Information

Name: {Screen or real}


Have you ever RPed on Yahoo Groups before?

Character Information

Name: {Skeksis have Skek before their name, UrRu's have Ur}


Gender: {Male or Female}

Species: {Skeksis, UrRu, Gelfling, Pod-Person, etc.}

Clan: {If Applicable}

Occuptation: {Job title. What are they respsonsible for. Gelfling occupations can be before slavery if applicable.}

Template: {slave, free, master, etc.}




Weight: {Be realistic}

Distinguishing Features:

Thorough Description: {Appearance/Clothing, etc}


Special Abilities/Talents:




History/About: {Tell us about your characters history, past and inner thoughts and feelings. This will bring your character to life.}

Quirks and Other Stuff: {Other things about your character you'd like to share. PLEASE try and fill this part out.}

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