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This is the cast page of Dark Crystal RPG. Notice that Skeksis and UrRu {Mystics} are called by their proper names. I have gone ahead, or am in the process of creating bio pages for them even though they do not all have players. This way, you can identify the Skeksis by their apperance. UrRu will get bio pages as they are filled, the Skeksis seem to play a larger part so I will spend more time trying to help people with THEM. Also, notice UrRus' names begin in Ur and Skeksis with Skek, keep this in mind if you make up an UrRu/Skeksis.

How we are going to handle the Skeksis and UrRu will be further discussed. As of now, if you create a Skeksis or UrRu, please create a counterpart of the opposite species.

Again, all established roles available for play will be here for you to nab. Notice Jen and Kira are not here, this is because they aren't born yet.

Before playing you MUST fill out my Bio Form and post it to the OOC group and wait to be approved. Do NOT start playing your character until you've been approved by the GM {and other players if needed. Only applies to family affairs}


No player - SkekSo, the Emporer

Audrydahmr/Habidabad - SkekZok, the Ritual-Master

Sid - SkekUng, the Garthim-Master

Sid- SkekSil, the Chamberlain

No player - SkekTek, the Scientist

No player - SkekAyuk, the Gourmand

Q- SkekNa, the Slave-Master

No player - SkekShod, the Treasurer

No player - SkekOk, the Scroll-Keeper

Vi Rath- SkekEkt, the Ornamentalist {Cloth-maker}


Vi Rath - SkekMin, the Brood-Keeper

Q - SkekAz, the Soothsayer

UrRu {Mystics}

No player - UrSu, the UrRu master

Audrydahmr/Habidabad- UrZah, the Ritual Guardian

No player- UrIm, the Healer

No Player - UrSol, the Chanter

No Player - UrTih, the Alchemist

No player - UrAmaj, the Cook

No player - UrNol, the Herbalist

No player - UrAc, the Scribe

No player - UrYod, the Numerologist

No player - UrUtt, the Weaver


Richard - UrNi

No player - UrAk

Gelflings {All brought in}

Vi Rath - Kinma Miunen

Vi Rath - Manoke Sulien

Vamp - Zian

Vi Rath - Rizz Crow

Vi Rath - Dy Crow

Vi Rath - Tempest Sulien

Vi Rath - Jemika Annwu

Q - Di`Koy Cadver


Audrydahmr/Habidabad- Aughra
