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Welcome! Like you haven't heard that from me a million times on this site. Anyways, this is where the big join happens. You recieved the box to join my OOC group for Dark Crystal RPG under Bio Form and are probably already a member by now of Dark_Crystal_OOC. Here is where you join the actual GAMING group. It is here your character{s} will be brought to life.

You can go here and click the join button. Or you can send an empty e-mail with the subject SUBSCRIBE to this address. But then there's the simple box at the bottom.

Just put your e-mail address in the box below to become a member of Dark_Crystal_RPG.

Subscribe to Dark_Crystal_RPG
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You must have a Yahoo account to upload files and bookmarks {Links} to the group until they are added to this site. Please read the rules and story and have fun!
