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This group like all my others must have rules to make it playable. Please review these rules, which are, for the most part, simple and basic before signing up. I hope you have fun,

1. No godmoding or powerplaying. All characters must have some weaknesses and should have things happen to them once in a while.

2. I had to modify this rule. Face it, reality has bad things in it. Soooo, here's the new rule. Sex and violence IS allowed BUT, it MUST be rated in the thread title. This is so if players choose not to read it, they can skip over it. Please, no religious or ethnic bashing. We have all types of faiths playing this game.

3. No flaming or spamming. This is a game. All advertisements should be put into the OOC group so as not to bother the players in play.

4. Do not kill another player's character without GM and player permission. I want notification from both parties.

5. Character limit, for now, is 10. This is due to change at any time, depending on my mood...but chances are it will only get higher. But 10 is it for now.

6. Please fill out the bio form I provide and post it in the OOC group, not the game group. Any pictures should be uploaded to the Files section.

7. Skeksis and UrRu players {if you only play one} should be sure they know or have created their counterpart. Every Skeksis has an UrRu counterpart. If you need help, feel free to ask us in the OOC group.

8. Try to write in a story form, not script. We want to FEEL what your character is doing.

9. Try to write complete sentences and use quotation marks and try to use proper punctuation...or SOME punctuation so your posts are easier to read.

10. If your character is related to someone else's character please get permission from that player as well as me before bringing them in.

11. Be sure you are in BOTH the RPG and OOC groups. Some things discussed in OOC might effect your threads. Try and keep OOC's and OT's to a minimum if not at all in the RPG group and keep them in the OOC group.

12. Here are some tags to help you out:

ATTN: Attention, this is usually followed by a name when a player wants to call a heads up to another character.

< > anything in those brackets is usually an OOC moment or a tag...meaning someone has been chosen to interact. EX. means someone should pick up the thread and interact. If a specific person is tagged it will say . This person should reply to the tag. Names do not always have to be stated but it will be considered an open tag if no name is present.

= = and // // are symbols used when anything between them is thought. These are personal thoughts that are not telepathic.

~ ~ anything between these symbols is a telepathic msg sent from one character to another. I'm assuming mostly Gelflings will be using this.

13. If you are tagged please answer the tag. If it is not possible, please let the player know.

14. PLEASE, if you are going to be away from the game for a while, via vacation, being grounded, school, PLEASE let us know. Any character that is idle too long may be put back up as available or will be temped. It is very aggitating to be waiting for a reply from someone who is not here. Try to post at least 3 days out of the week. This way the game is not idle too long.

If you want someone to temp your character for you, please let us all know so we don't get confused.
