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Another world, another time, in the age of wonder. Ten years ago, this land was green and good. Then, the crystal was cracked. A single piece, a shard broke from the pure crystal. Strife began and two new races appeared: The cruel Skeksis and the gentle Mysitcs.

Within the ten years of their rule over the dark crystal, the Skeksis began to learn the secrets the crystal possessed. In their reign, they brought gelfling and podlings to the castle as slaves under the service of the Skeksis and their Emporer, SkekSo.

It will be over 200 years until the dreaded prophecy is set in stone. Now, the gelfling fear not for their lives, but their freedom. Skeksis have captured many and randomly from clans of gelfling and bred them for pet-slaves and for their living essence in order for the Skeksis to remain young and vigor.

It is here that our story takes place, in a world slowly becoming engulfed in darkness at the hands of the Skeksis. The once proud race of gelfling now hide in fear of losing their freedom, carefully living their day to day lives in their homes. Those captured dream of freedom, and labor hard under their overlords, trying to keep them entertained and in good faith, protecting their own livlihoods.

Those managing to flee have found refuge in faraway hills and the desolate land of the UrRu {Mystics}. Darker days are coming, and none have even begun to comprehend the great legend that is awaiting them.
