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Player Information



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Character Information

Name: Di`Koy Cadver

Age: Unknown -...early 20s?

Gender: Male

Species: Gelfling

Clan: Cadver- or so he claims

Occuptation: Spy

Template: Slave

Hair: Blonde, whith maybe a touch of light or dark here and there

Eyes: red

Height: 4 foot 5

Weight: medium

Distinguishing Features: None really, which makes him the perfect spy

Thorough Description: Tall, for a gelfling, with a nice build.
flawless skin that seems to glow with health and vitality, which just
throws _everyone_ off when he appears in the castle. which is rare.
Blonde hair falls down his back, and bangs frame his face, which is
somewhat round, but still well defined. His ears are a bit more
pointed then some gelfling. He wears rags when "working", and maybe
a tattered slaves cloak.

Personality: Obidieant, but very perswaysive. He's also a bit of
a "stud" when On the job.

Special Abilities/Talents: He seems to be able to turn his
emotions "off" when needed. but he can also turn them on, making
himself seem genuine when it counts.

Limitations: When out and about he seems to have a "play before work"
additude, thus, is sometimes diverted off course

Strengths: Very, almost uncommonly, convincing.

Weaknesses: all his feelings are superficial, masks, as he was
trained, and his true emotional scope is very limited.

History/About: SkekTek wasnt the only one conducting experiments.
A pet-slave of SkekNa, the slave Master. Noone's quite sure how
SkekNa recived the gelfling, but the slave master Horded him away to
a shadded spot of the castle, "educating" him, turning him into a
puppet for the Skeksis. Teaching him to be a doppleganger, a ruse.
Di`Koy allows himself to be planted into gelfling clans, and serves
as the Skeksi's eyes and ears from a gelfling perspective.

Di`Koy can only ever reember the Skeksis, and as such, is rather
indifferent to it all. Mostly all he's really known is his little
hidden hovvle and SkekNa.

Quirks and Other Stuff: He's at his age of sexual maturity, and has
only really ever known the Slave master. SkekNa is only now letting
Di out into the world....this should be interesting.