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Welcometo Dark Crystal RPG. This game is somewhat based on the movie The DarkCrystal. I suggest before you join, you make sure you have seen themovie. 

As for thte rest of you who HAVEseen the movie {and hopefully understand it}, this game actually takesplace long before the movie. The game takes place before the prophecy waswritten down, but 10 years after the crystal was cracked. At such an earlytime, there are numerous skeksis and UrRu of which to play {only 10 werealive in the movie}. There are also many more Gelfling of which to play.But Jen and Kira were not born yet, so sorry, they are not playable. 

Keep in mind all Skeksis have afunction and resonsibility, via The Garthim-Master {he was the emporerin the movie}, High Priest {Ritual-Master, he was the done-up right prettyone.} Slave-Master, Skek-Tek {the horribly deformed cyborg looking one},etc. 

Also, I'm afraid I can only accept8 more Skeksis than the established bunch. Literature says there were only18 Skeksis and urRu. Sorry. 

For all those interested, I suggestyou join the OOC group first. This way you can talk to other players firstand post the bio form up for all of us to see. So, be sure to be in boththe RPG and OOC group. OOC will have information on plots/threads in theworks and makes interaction more...clean. 

Please fill out my bio form as Ihave presented it. Makes everyone equally easy to read. Other than that,just kinda follow my little setup down here and we're good. 


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