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Player Information

Name: Vi Rath


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Character Information

Name: Jemika Annwu

Age: 23

Gender: female

Species: gelfling

Clan: Annwu

Occuptation: Jeweler, finery/Examiner

Template: Slave to Skeksis, Overlord over other slaves under
SkekEkt's control.

Hair: light blue {she's a freak}

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'7

Weight: 128

Distinguishing Features: VERY short hair, just above her chin at her
cheeks. Missing her left eye....a magnifyer is in it's place. Wings
are very very thin, moreso than other gelfling, her skin if very fair
and has a blue tint to it....perhaps due to experiments done on her.

Thorough Description: This tall and very slender gelfling has a
lovely right eye, but her left eye is replaced with a magnifyer,
making her efficient in her work. Due to the countless experiments
done on her {as punishment for her futile attempts to escape} she has
a blueish tint to her entire body. Her hair is very short and she
rarely has a smile on her face.

Personality: Very bitter towards the Skeksis. However, she has
somehow become a very good ally, constantly reporting her charges.
She has become cruel and cold and is perhaps just as much a Skeksis
in attitude than any of the pet-slaves. She has little pity and lives
every day with self-loathing.

Special Abilities/Talents: Can see the finest flaws in jewels,
clothing, writing, etc. She can see very small things with her left
eye due to her magnifyer.

Strengths: Though the hatred over her eye, she does have a terrific
ability to use it, seeing the most fine of details.

Weaknesses: She tends to lash out at her charges for mess-ups. If she
did not, she herself would face another punishment, this makes her
cold and cruel and very impatient and uncompassionate with her

History/About: Jemika and her grandmother are the only local
survivors of the Annwu clan, a clan famous for their skills as
jewelers and accessories. The males being elsewhere, leaving the
females behind to prepare for the new load of prescious stones, many
of the females were taken into slavery, but Jemika {13 at the time}
and her Grandmother were the only two surviving that were taken. With
their prescious talent, they were placed under SkekEkt.

Jemika worked alongside her grandmother. However, she was stubborn
and opinionated, and often became loud towards her masters and tried
escaping. Every mistake make and every failed attempt, she was
punushed in some way. The first punishment was the destroying of her
lovely voice. She from then-forth speaks more LIKE a Skeksis, a harsh
hissy rasp of a voice. Another failed attempt ensued in a series of
injections, deforming the color of her skin and thinning her wings to
unuseable terms. Yet another failed attempt led to the chopping of
her hair, which was prescious to her. She must now wear it short.

After the death of her grandmother, Jemika tried again to escape, she
was caught by SkekZok directly. As punishment, he pulled out her left
eye. SkekEkt became annoyed with that punishmentm valuing her
eyes...and had SkekTek replace the eye with a magnifyer to better
perform her duties.

Deciding it was better to be "the devil's right hand man rather than
his enemy" she gave into her position and worked hard, festering
within her own hatred and loathing until she was just as cold and
heartless as the ones she hates most. She was prized and was made an
overlord of the suppliers of her tools and jewels. However, she
became strict and cruel to her charges, knowing if she was too
lenient, she would be beaten mercilessly for her " laziness."

Quirks and Other Stuff: She has a raspy voice. She has a sceptre she
wields as a weapon over her charges. She's cruel to gelflings as
well, though more out of fear and jealousy than anything else. She is
rude and mouthy, which has become overlooked for the most part. She
is careful who she mouths off to, but is just as much her own enemy
as the Skeksis.

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