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Player Information

Name: Vi Rath
Have you ever RPed on Yahoo Groups before? Yuppers

Character Information
Name: Kinma Miunen
Age: 15
Gender: female
Species: Gelfling
Clan: Miunen Clan
Occupation: to look cute
Template: pet-slave
Hair: blond with black streaks
Eyes: green
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120
Distinguishing Features: black streaks in her hair, pretty shimmer of colors
on her wings, pale skin.
Thorough Description: She's kept in gold shackles on her wrists and a gold
shackle type collar. If she's lucky to get anything considered clothing, she
often wears white partially transparent dresses. She's often primped and
Personality: Snooty towards most people. Becoming a slave at the age of five
and prized by SkekMin, she kinda is full of herself. Her occupation is to
bascally sit around and look good. She is filled with the "I'm better than
you" attitude though she doesn't always let it get the best of her. She
remembers her heritage and tends to be friendlier towards her kind when she
can see them privately without Skeksis' prying eyes. In their sight, she
tends to toss her nose in the air at everyone. But she is overall friendly
and has a lot of inside resources one way or another. The Skeksis were a bad
influence on her overall attitude.
Special Abilities/Talents: uhm...looking cute? She also is very cunning,
learning a lot from her "masters" and their crude and vile wits.
Strengths: Beauty {though it's not her choice}, pretending, she's a good
actress and very showy. Manipulative
Weaknesses: Not very strong or fast. She can't fly/glide, even if her wings
weren't partially clipped, cuz she was never taught how.
History/About: separated from her family during a raid when she was 5, she
was brought to the castle and plopped into the care of SkekMin wiht the
other gelflings for sorting.....he was intrigued with her strange look and
claimed her for his own {pet}. She grew up at the side of the Skeksis,
picking up a lot of their personality and attitude. SkekMin couldn't find a
good partner for her and simply kept her as the beauty of his eyes, showing
her off.

In honesty, Kinma felt a bit violated, not being able to wear much, and came
to of course dislike her masters. However she was able to use their own
personalities against them, earning her at least a small bit of respect. She
sometimes believes she is a part of them, but she never forgot where she
came from. To hide her feelings, she would turn up her nose at the other
gelfling slaves when Skeksis were present. However when backs were turned
she remained compassionate.

She used her advantage of always being near the Skeksis to find out gossip
and information. However she also tinkers with the art of manipulation and
pretending, trying to always be a step ahead of her masters.
Quirks and Other Stuff: A tease. Her true personality is sometimes hard to
tell with her constact acts. She has SkekMin pretty much wrapped around her
finger, but the other Skeksis make her very nervous, though she tries to
hide it.