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image by Vi Rath
Name: Vi Rath
Have you ever RPed on Yahoo Groups before? Yes

Character Information

Name: Manoke {pronouced Man O Kee} Sulien
Age: 24
Gender: male
Species: gelfling
Clan: Sulien
Occuptation: Bookeeper, one-the-side scientist/inventor
Template: free
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: green
Height: 5'9
Weight: 169
Distinguishing Features: he wears glasses and his hair is shorter
than that of normal gelflings.
Thorough Description: Like most gelflings, he doesn't wear shoes. He
wears upper-class common robes. His dark brown hair is somewhat
shorter than other gelflings' hair. He is very farsighted so he wears
glasses so that he can read and work. {otherwise his farsightedness
is pretty much...enhanced.}
Personality: Very curious. He is somewhat seen as the fool of a
handful of members in his clan. Others find him amusing. He is very
friendly and long as he gets to learn and work with
science. He enjoys quiet and natural noises as he works outside of
his clan's gates.
Special Abilities/Talents: attentive, brainstorming, cunning,
intelligence, scientific knowhow.
Strengths: literary knowledge, math {not me though.LOL},
experimentation, mindwork
Weaknesses: Not as strong as most males. Has meat on his bones but
kinda scrawny. Not as fast, physically as his clan. Becomes bored
with responsiblity very quickly. Sometimes talks too much via asking
too many questions.
History/About: Manoke was born into the Sulien clan and was raised in
the Clan-Town. The walls were high and the gates were rarely locked.
He would always wander out of the gates and examine the nature around
the town. Being curious, he would often annoy his other clanmates
with his endless array of questions. His questions led to action to
find the answer. The most dreaded word people feared from his mouth
is "Why?"

He grew up well-educated and, hoping to expand his knowledge and
easue his endless curiosity, he took a bookkeeping job for the clan.
He learned much, but became fascinated with the opposite
sex.......more sepcifically the wings. He then became obsessed with
flight....why couldn't the males have wings...if given the proper
methods, could they fly, etc. A ludicrous idea, he was shunned for it
by his clan and began to research it without telling anyone. He has
yet to be successful in either finding a way for males to fly or
finding a way for males to grow wings. As with all his research, he
created wacky stories to explain "why" things are the way they are
according to him.

He now spends his time at his job, or outside the gates in a glen to
test his theories. They make him do that so he doesn't blow the town
up. His clan has not yet been raised by Skeksis and they aren't sure
what they even are.
Quirks and Other Stuff: He is very endurant. He's immune against many
diseases due to his experiments and tends to recover quickly, due to
constantly being blasted from his spot by experiments' explosions.
So, he's used to "screw-ups" and the ouchies that go with it. He's
almost always seen creating something, reading, researching in some
way, taking things apart or blowing things up.

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