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Image by Q
Player Information

Name: Q


Have you ever RPed on Yahoo Groups before? yes

Character Information

Name: SkekAz

Age: Considering the crystal Cracked 10 years ago, he is 10

Gender: Male

Species: Skeksis

Clan: None

Occuptation: "Knower of the Arcane" this is a fancy way of
saying "Gypsy" "fortune teller" and Prophet

Template: Master

Hair: Well, he wears something like a loose, ragged, toeless black
sock on his head as a no visible hair.

Eyes: Rusty gold

Height: about 6'2
Weight: 160

Distinguishing Features: As stated before, he wears something akin to
a sock over his head..with eye hold and such, a crown of gold beads
round is head. His robes are meager,humble. nothing fancy, just
simple black and greys to fo him.

Thorough Description: A figure just brushing 6 '1.Shadows draw back,
and reveal a featherless bird creature. Beaddy, fire coloured eyes
stare from behind a black, tattered cloth mask. What of his beak can
be seen, is wrinkled, chaifed, scared, and ends in a wicked looking
hook, similar to a vulture beak. The flesh is coloured grey/violet,
dark grey and pale ivory round the mouth. Dirty, sharp teeth protrude
from the beak, rusty yellow in colour, deadly looking. A Crown of
gold beads adorns the creature's head. It's Clad in long black and
grey robes that pool about his feet,ending behind him in a small
trane. As he walks, the sound of beads rattling, and the whispering
of volumonous robes rise from each step.
In his boney, decrepet, four finged hand, is a staff, with an upside
down triangle on it, an orb on each corner, followed by an orb in the
center. the Staff Seems to be made of some sort of semi precious

Personality: He is very quiet...He chooses to remain silent unless it
is emparitave that he need to speak. when he does open his mouth, a
raspy, dry, niglected voice hisses forth. Usually his Words Hold a
riddle, warnings of things to come

Special Abilities/Talents: He has limited "occult" abilities. Psychic
prowess, a way with certain forms of fortune telling, such as crystal
scrying, his own make shift way of Using terot cards, and other such

Limitations: Hes slow, weak and tires easy

Strengths: As stated before, he's a prophet.

Weaknesses: Physically he is weak, and prone to sickness.

History/About: SkekAz's counterpart is the peaceful, yet loud, UrAk,
the StarSpeaker. This is to say, the Stars and constilations tell the
future to UrAk, rarely has he been incorrect. With an uncommonly
loud, deep,rich voice, the Other Mystics look to him when he has
something to say, for it is always meaningful.
But Enough about the "better Half"
SkekAz,Loyal to the current Emperor, follows the group of SkekSil,
SkekNa and SkekTek. Which is strange in itself. For SkekNa and
SkekTek Support SkekUng, the rival SkekSil.

Quirks and Other Stuff:  my Dark
Crystal page can be found at

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