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image by Vi Rath

Name: Vampi
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Name: Zian
Gender: Female
Species: Skeksis/Gelfling Hybrid
Clan: Unknown and who'd claim her?
Occupation: Scavenger
Template: Runaway experiment
Hair: White worn long in a low ponytail
Eyes: inverted white/black
Height:5' 5"
Weight: 100lb
Distinguishing Features: patterned black skin, nose turns down slightly, and has a slightly snaggly tooth
Thorough Description: wears baggy leather clothes with a hood to hide her appearance.  She lacks the wings of a female gelfling
Personality: Skittish and curious
Special Abilities/Talents:some science skills can read/write/speak skeksis, speaks some gelfling, speaks fluent podling.  She can hide exceptionally well.
Limits:her appearance scares others and makes it rare for any to approach her peaceably
Strengths: very hardy due to her hybridity, fairly agile as well
Weaknesses:easily influenced by music and the Crystal's tones
History:  Zian was an attempt by SkekTek to allow the Skeksis to have the Gelfling telepathy.  He used his own genes and mixed them with Gelfling so in a way, he's her father.  While in his lab she learned what science skills she knows from watching him.  He planned on eventually dissecting her at a set age, but she 'escaped' before that could happen.  She was taken by Djun, a podling slave when he escaped from his enslavement.  He taught her everything he knew and raised her as his own until he was slain by the Garthim.  Zian has been wandering to find a new home.  She knows she's different and desperately wishes she wasn't.
Quirks/etc.:She's easily frightened and responds quickly to any kindness.  Garthim terrify her beyond words.

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