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Battle Arena: Battling for trophies, money, and RPG Ranking. Battles raise a dragon's muscle, speed and special. Challenger must battle three dragons before moving up to the next rank.
Team Matches: Battles with two or more Dragonsages per team. Each team must have the same amount of Dragon's battling.
Virtual: A battle with a 3D hologram of the challenging dragon. Dragons will not be harmed or killed in these fighting style training matches. Costs money to enter.
Free-for-all: Matches were 3 or more dragons battle eachother at once. Winner gains anything that was betted on that match, weapons, money or even other dragons.
Tornaments: Matches that include all the Players of the RPG. The Winner gets money, a weapon and reflector, and the title of strongest Dragonsage.
Dragon Races
Elementals: Strength and weakness
Status Explanation
Battle choices
Movment Ranks
Types of Battles
Evolution |
It is coming... the only RPG that lets you raise your own dragon to battle for the Championship. 
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