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Zoids: Berserk Fury

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    Berserk Fury (Berserk Fuhrer in Japan)

  • Tryonasaurus Rex Type
  • Weight: 127 tons
  • Length: 22.8 meters
  • Height: 12.3 meters
  • Max Speed: 390 kilometers per hour
  • Weapons:Three charged particle cannons, a pair of charged buster blades, two AZ185mm beam cannons, high output Omnidirectional shield
  • Special: Heavily armored and armed with 2 drills (3 blades each), and a charged particle cannon, the Berserk Fury is one of the prized Empire Zoids. It's challenging in close combat and deadly in long range. It is rumored that this zoid is the resualt in transplanting the Genobreaker's core into a new body.

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    It's a... FLYING PAPAYA! --Van (Zoids: Chaotic Centry)

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