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Zoids: Genobreaker

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  • Tyanosaurus Rex Type
  • Weight: 137.5 tons
  • Length: 23 meters
  • Height: 13.7 meters
  • Max Speed: 345 kilometers per hour
  • Weapons: Super Charged Particle Cannon, Frontal shield, dual pincher claws, twin 140mm cannons, two 80mm cannons, rocket pods, twin grappling hook arms
  • Special: An upgraded Genosaurer, the Genobreaker is a feirce ground combat zoid possessing the widely feared Charged Particle Cannon. The 'horn' on it's head helps it break threw various barriers. This is the only Ground zoid that can 'hover' high in the air.

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    It's a... FLYING PAPAYA! --Van (Zoids: Chaotic Centry)

    Gotay Images, the home of Dragon Core:

    Contagious Comics