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Zoids: Gordos

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  • Stegosaurus Type
  • Weight: 199 tons
  • Length: 15.1 meters
  • Height: 30.3 meters
  • Max Speed: 80 kilometers per hour
  • Weapons: Quad-Barrel Heavy Cannon pod, Dual missle pods, Twin 105mm Cannons, 20mm and 33mm cannons
  • Special: A slow mid armored zoid that can be armed with a large variety of weapons such as Magnetic poles that can change the projectory of bullets or just plain rocket launchers.

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  • Zoids Quote/Afiliates

    It's a... FLYING PAPAYA! --Van (Zoids: Chaotic Centry)

    Gotay Images, the home of Dragon Core:

    Contagious Comics