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Zoids: Konig Wolf

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    Konig Wolf

  • Wolf Type
  • Weight: 90.5 tons
  • Length: 21.24 meters
  • Height: 8.64 meters
  • Max Speed: 290 kilometers per hour
  • Weapons: Claws and Teeth, Particle Goggles (long range scope, night vision, ultraviolet sensor), Multipurpose-Distcharger (small boosts of speed, release steam ((limited stealth))
  • Special: A zoid with mid armor class and high speed, the Konig Wolf's main strength is the scanner that renders all stealth useless. The Konig wolf has no long range weapons although it can be fitted with some.

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    It's a... FLYING PAPAYA! --Van (Zoids: Chaotic Centry)

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    Contagious Comics