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Zoids: Metalrhimos

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  • Rhino Type
  • Weight: 56 tons
  • Length: 11.3 meters
  • Height: 7.6 meters
  • Max Speed: 180 kilometers per hour
  • Weapons: Two 20mm Cannons, two 105mm Cannons, two surface-to-sruface/air missiles, twin grenade launchers, drill horn
  • Special: A small heavily armored zoid with twin cannons on it's sides, twin rifles on it's head and twin missles on it's back. In addition the Metalrhimos makes up for it's slow speed with high assault power and two separate compartments for different pilots.

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  • Zoids Quote/Afiliates

    It's a... FLYING PAPAYA! --Van (Zoids: Chaotic Centry)

    Gotay Images, the home of Dragon Core:

    Contagious Comics