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Zoids: Information

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  • Zoids Main
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  • Information

    This is where information on some Zoids are. Such as Max Speed, Weight, height, Type, name, and a picture if any. Also some Special information if any.

  • Barigator*
  • Berserk Fury
  • Blade Liger
  • Cannon Fort*
  • Cannon Tortoise*
  • Command Wolf*
  • Dark/Red Horn*
  • Deathsaurer
  • Death Stinger
  • Dibison
  • Double Sworder
  • Dual Cannon Tortoise
  • Genobreaker
  • Genosaurer
  • Godos*
  • Gojulas
  • Gordos
  • Gun Sniper*
  • Gustav*
  • Guysack*
  • Helcat*
  • Heldigunner
  • Konig Wolf
  • LigerZero
  • LigerZero X
  • Lightning Saix
  • Metalrhimos
  • Pteramander
  • Pteri Striker*
  • Rev Raptor*
  • Shield Liger*
  • Zabat*
  • Zaber Fang*
  • Zoids Quote/Afiliates

    Guild Only Note:

    Only Zoids with a * can be chosen as beginning Zoids. Don't worry, I'll be adding more choices soon!

    NOTE: CG Images are credited to Elektro Gigante

    Gotay Images

    Contagious Comics