Layout Design by: RPD
Site Owned By: Lisa

::Info::  ::Multimedia::  ::Read::  ::Music::  ::Dollies::  ::Awards::  ::Site::  


Do you think your site deserves some recognition for all the hard work you've put into it? I think so too. So here are some awards you can apply for. And don't worry I'm not some evil bitch monster of death who is really really picky...they're here so you can win them! :) (Also, I know this page is a little wonky, but I'm still working out some glitches in the new layout, so bear with me!)


-No Hate
-Must load within 10 minutes...I don't care how amazing your site is, I won't bother to wait.
-nO tYpInG lIkE tHiS!
-please use proper spelling (that means nothing like "could u do this 4 me?")
-Must be based on Buffy or Angel
-A link to me is nice but not necessary

Let's See What You Got!

Award For an Excellent Layout
I'm a total layout freak so to win this award the only requirement is a layout that makes me go WOW!

Award For a Great Start
To win this your site must be less than six months old. The basic idea is your site is new and impressing me already. It must be at least %50 finished. This isn't a very hard award to win for newbies.

The Scooby Award of Approval
To win this award your site must have at least 10 pages excluding links, affiliates and guestbook. 8 broken links maximum. There must be some interesting content. This award isn't very tough to win.

Award for Beautiful Graphics
You must have lots of gorgeous graphics that are made by you! Things like fanart, wallpapers, or just nice graphics in and around your site. Makes me jealous ;)

Award for Great Content
You must have lots and lots of excellent content. Epiosode guides, bios, general information...things like that.

The Grr Award
Your site must be based on a bad guy from Buffy. No exceptions. It can be a one time character or the season big bad, but they gotta be nasty!

Award of Romance
Your site must be based on a couple. Conventional or non-conventional. You should seem really devoted to your couple.

The Fun Award
For sites that are lots of fun to go to. You should have things like games, quotes, multimedia etc.

Buffys Award of Excellence
To win this you must have an amazing Buffy site. 15+ pages with good content and graphics. It should have a nice layout and be interesting. Your site has to be really impressive and exceed my expectations.

Award For a Beautiful Site
To win this you must have a gorgeous site. That includes nice graphics, a good color scheme and (since I'm obsessed with layouts) a good layout will definitley win you points! :)(Also I know this one is different but when I re-designed my awards I couldn't bear to part with this one)


Sites Name


Which Award Would You Like to Win?