I've always loved all the nicknames the gang have for each other. I complied a list of the funniest ones here for your viewing pleasure. All were compiled using The Buffy Database as a resource. Now, next time you hear someone refer to "Captain Courageous", you'll know who they're talking about. Characters are in alphabetical order.
a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth
a very attractive man
big, dumb, jerk person
Bossy the cow
cradle robbing, creature-of- the-night
Dead Boy
Mr. Billowy Coat King of Pain
mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing
Stealth Guy
Undead liar guy
Patron Saint of scorned women
A scary, veiny, good fairy
Miss Softserve
Mrs. ANYA Lame-Ass-Made-Up-Maiden-Name Harris.
thousand-year-old capitalist ex-demon with rabbit phobia
Betty Louise Plotnick of East Cupcake, Illinois
she who hangs out in cemeteries
the Buffinator
Guacamole Queen
little Ms Likes-to-fight
Buffy Summers, Class Protector
Destructo Girl
Hurricane Buffy
Lady HacksAway
the strong guiding hand and stompy foot
A lone fashionable wolf
a regular breath of vile air
mass transporation
the dip
the Queen
Vapid whore
Shiny McWhiney (from Television without Pity)
Bite-sized one
Bitty Buffy
slut-bag hussy
cleavagy slut-bomb
little firecracker
Miss Attention Span
Real psycho-killer
the do that girl
God of acoustic rock
crusty old Alfred
funky party weasel
Investigate-Things-From-Every-Boring-Angle Guy
Mr. Caution Man
the funny drunk
a dynamo of action
a tiny, impotent Nazi with a bug up his butt the size of an emu
His Ugliness
stupid little troll
that nasty little horrid, bigoted rodent-man
Count Shmoopula (from Television without Pity)
as impure as the driven yellow snow
Billy Idol wannabe
Blondie Bear
Captain Peroxide
Hostile 17
strong & mysterious & sorta compact but well muscled
William the Bloody
Miss Psycho Pep Squad
spell gal
the scooby gang
a group of civilian insurrectionists
Buffy's little cartoon pals
fluffy battle kittens
the Avengers
the bloody freaking cavalry
the superfriends
Cruella De Will (from Television without Pity)
an evil mastermind
Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel
crayon-breaky Willow
little tree
Old Reliable
Reliable-Dog-Geyser Person
tiny Jewish Santa
Wesley Windbag Ponce (from Television without Pity)
Captain Courageous
Giles: The Next Generation
Limey bastard
Mr. States-the-Obvious
Pierce Brosnan-y
Princess Margaret
a flying buttress of support
Anya's sweet cookie-face
Buffy's White Knight
Chicken of the Sea
King of Cretins
the boy that had no cool
the Xan-man
Xander 'I'm as stupid as I look' Harris
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