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Fic by Alyson Maclay

This story is copywritten to it's author. If you take it without getting permission from them, I will attack you.

Alone in the Universe

Willow was alone. Further more, she was lost. She didn'’ know what to do. Or where to go. Suddenly, she saw her girlfriend, Tara. She first tried to call her.

But Tara didn’t answer. Will tried to come nearer, but she wasn’t able to move. She tried to throw a spell in order to move, but her magic didn’t work. Then, Tara disappeared. Instead, her best friend, Buffy, appeared. But she seemed... dead. « Wait a minute. Tara didn’t answer me, she disappeared and Buffy appeared, dead. I’m probably dreaming... » As a matter of fact, after having seen Xander, Anya, Dawn, Giles, Spike and even Oz, Cordelia and Angel, she woke up.

-Are you fine?, Tara asked her.
-Oh, yes. I mean, yes, I’m fine.
-You seem weird. You woke up late.
-Really? What time is it? Oh God, I’m late for school!
-Woah! It’s Saturday. We don’t have school! Are you sure you’re fine?
-Yes. I...I have to go help Giles and Anya at the Magic Shop.

Willow left the house and took the direction of the Magic Shop. « I’ll talk to Giles. My nightmare was to weird. All my friends seemed dead. I really don’t like that. »

Arriving at the Magic Shop, she entered and saw Giles and Anya talking together.
-Hi Willow, Anya and I were just talking about you. Tara called us to tell us you didn’t seem well this morning.
-Really? I didn’t know. But...she was right. I...I did a weird nightmare last night.
-Who did a weird nightmare?
Xander just came in, with Buffy, Dawn and Tara.
-Hi Xander. Hi Buffy, Dawn and Tara. To answer your question, Xander, I did a weird nightmare last night.

She told them about it. When she had finished, Buffy asked her some questions.
-You said Angel, Oz and Cordelia? But they aren’t with us anymore. What did you do to dream about them?
-I don’t know! I don’t choose my dreams, you know!
-Sorry. But...Angel and Spike are vampires, so they are dead. And you said you saw them dead. How?
-They were kind of...like if they were like you and me, but dead.
-This nightmare isn’t normal, said Giles. But your nightmares have never become real until now, Willow. I don’t see why we should worry.
-Yes, you are probably right. But it seemed so weird that I worried. It doesn’t matter.
-It’s OK, Will. Do you want to go back home?
-Thanks Tara, but I think I’ll stay here to help Giles and Anya.
Someone entered in the Magic Shop.
-Scuse me, may I have a spell to make a guy fall in love with me?

* * *

Willow was lost. Again. She was alone. Suddenly, she saw something. « It is the same nightmare as last night. I’ll see Tara, and then, Buffy, and Xander, Anya, Dawn, Giles, Spike, Oz, Cordy and Angel. After, I’ll wake up. » But she didn’t see Tara. She Buffy and all the others, but not Tara.

When she woke up, she was alone in her bed. Tara wasn’t there. Willow woke up and went to see Dawn.
-Dawn, where is Tara?
-Tara? Who is Tara?
-Dawn, please, stop laughing at me. Where is Tara?
-I’m not laughing at you. I don’t know who Tara is. I swear. And she left. « How come Dawn doesn’t know Tara? We have lived with her for several months. There is something wrong. »

She went to the Magic Shop and saw Giles.
-Giles, Tara disappeared and Dawn doesn’t remember her. Can you help me?
-I would like to, only...who is Tara?
-Please, don’t start that too! Tara is my girlfriend!
-Your girlfriend? You don’t have any girlfriend! What are you talking about?
-Hey, wait a minute! Two nights ago, I had a nightmare. All my friends were there, dead. And last night, I had the same nightmare, but Tara wasn’t there. And today, Tara disappeared! Explain it to me!
-I can’t expain anything, except that you are very tired. Go back home and get some sleep.
-But...I don’t want to!
-I don’t mind! Go home!

She went back home and went to bed. About 30 minutes later, was asleep. She was lost and alone. « Oh no! Not that nightmare again! I really don’t like it! Hey, wait... How come isn’t Buffy there? It is Xander, but Buffy...NO! I don’t want my best friend to disappear like my girlfriend! I have to wake up! » And she did. As fast as she was able to, she ran into Buffy’s room. It was empty.
-Buffy! Buffy? BUFFY!
-Who is Buffy? asked Dawn, behind her back.
-Buffy? It is your sister!
-My sister? YOU are my sister! What’s your problem?
-NO! Tara and Buffy disappeared and they weren’t in my nightmare anymore. So, the next on the list is...
-What are you talking about?
-What, Xander?
-He will disappear if I fall asleep! I have to call him!

Willow went down in the kitchen and took the phone. She called Xander and Anya to tell them to be in the Magic Shop in 15 minutes. Dawn and her left the house and went in Spike’s shelter.
-Spike, come here!
-What is your problem? It is day time, I cannot go out!
-We will find a way. We have to be in the Magic Shop in 10 minutes!
-How come?
-I’ll explain later. Mmmmm...come under this coat and run to the car.

When they arrived to the Magic Shop, everyone (except for Buffy and Tara, for sure) was there.
-OK, Will, now, you will explain why you woke up Anya and I to meet you here.
-OK. But I wanna tell you one thing before I start. I don’t want you to interrupt me, even if you think I’m crazy, OK?
-So. Do you remember, two days ago, I had a nightmare?
-Yes. You saw us dead.
-Exactly. All of you, more Angel, Cordy, Oz and two other people.
-Anya, I asked you not to interrupt me.
-It’s OK. So, there were two other people. My girlfriend Tara and my best friend, Buffy. I know you don’t remember them, but listen. Last night, I had the same nightmare, but Tara wasn’t in it. And this morning, Tara had disappeared! And I fell asleep again, Buffy wasn’t in my nightmare, and now, she disappeared! And if I follow my dream, Xander, you are the next to disappear! -OK...Giles, I think your Slayer doesn’t feel good.
-I agree.
-The Slayer? Buffy? Where is she?
-Willow, YOU are the Slayer. I think you REALLY need some sleep.
-NO! If I sleep, you will disappear, Xander! (She started to cry) I don’t want to lose you like I lost Buffy and Tara.
-Will, I really don’t know what to tell to you. You should...

But Willow fell asleep in his arms. He brought her in the backshop. « Oh no ! I’m sleeping! Xander will disappear! And after, it will be... »
-Where is Xander?
-Who is Xander?
-Your boyfriend!
-I don’t have boyfriend! I only have a girlfriend...you!
-Well, if you don’t like me anymore...
-I didn’t say that! I really...want to be with you.
« I better spend the most time I can with her before lose her like the others. »

* * *

Willow was alone. Again. But that time, she didn’t Tara. She didn’t see Buffy neither. Or Xander. Or Anya. But she saw Dawn, Giles,Spike, Oz, Cordelia and Angel. « They are the only friends I have, now. But tomorrow, Dawn will be gone, and then Giles, Spike and all the others. How am I going to do to find them back? »
-Willow! Can you wake up please, dear sister. You are supposed to bring me to the Magic Shop and you are starting to work in half an hour.
-Dawn? Oh, sorry, I was sleeping. You said I start working in half an hour?
-Yes, at the Magic Shop. With Giles. Where are you today?
-Oh. Nowhere. I’m coming.
-OK. I’ll wait for you in the kitchen.

While she was taking her shower, Willow started thinking about the situation. « OK. Tara disappeared, nothing special happened. Then Buffy disappeared, and I became the Slayer and Dawn’s sister. Her old roles. Then, Xander disappeared and I became Anya’s girlfriend. But Xander was Anya’s boyfriend. And now, Anya disappeared and I take her place at the Magic Shop. That means I’m kind of... take the place of my friends! The next to disappear is Dawn...what am I going to become? »

When she arrived at the Magic Shop, Dawn said bye to her to go to school.
-Dawnnie, why don’t you spend the rest of the day with me, instead of going to school? We could have fun, working in the Magic Shop together...
-With Giles? Not that I don’t like the idea, but he will never accept that! I have to go. Bye.
-May I have a hug?
-OK...are you sure you are fine?
They hugged, and Willow looked at her go. « For the last time ». She entered in the Magic Shop, and fell on the ground. When she woke up, a few hours later, she had not seen Dawn in her nightmare. She was now alone with Giles and Spike, because Oz, Cordelia and Angel weren’t in Sunnydale.

When she woke up, it was dark outside, and Spike was there.
-Are you all right? Giles told me you keep on fainting today.
-I’m OK. Where is Giles?
-He went to the drugstore, to get some pills to sleep.
-NO! I don’t want any! I’m fine, really. I...
She hit her head in the shelves and fell on the ground. « Oh no! Not that nightmare again! Giles won’t be there, for sure! Here is Spike, Oz, Cordy and Angel. I should wake up, now. » So she did.
-Hi Willow. Are you OK, sweetheart?
Sweetheart. « For sure, Spike was in love with Buffy... »
-Yeah. Do you wanna go and have fun all night?
-But...you were supposed to do a special night and let the Magic Shop opened all night long.
-Well...Gi...I don’t mind. Let’s have some fun!

They left and in the morning, Willow came back home and fell asleep right away. « So, here is Oz, Cordelia and Angel. I hope I won’t become a vampire, if Spike disappeared... » But she didn’t. She slept during all the day and all the night and the morning after, she decided to take the bus to go see Angel and Cordelia in Los Angeles. As a matter of fact, she slept in the bus and she didn’t see Oz. She woke and realized an mportant thing. « Oz was a werewolf...and thenext full moon is...TONIGHT! I hope Angel and Cordelia have a cage!"

* * *

When she arrived at « Angel Investigations », in the afternoon, Cordelia and Angel were so surprised to see her they took a break from work.
-Willow, isn’t the full moon tonight?
-Yes, I know. I wanted to know if Angel and you have a cage, or something like that.
-Well, Angel, do you think we could put her in Gunn’s bedroom? He’s gone for the rest of the month.
-No problem. Oh, Willow, I’m so happy you’re here. When you decided to stay in Sunnydale, being your own watcher, I was so sad. I missed you.
-So I did.

* * *

Night came, and after a big hug to Cordelia, (« I’ll sleep tomorrow morning, it is the last time I see her... ») and a little kiss to Angel, Willow went in Gunn’s bedroom. Then, the transformation to become a werewolf started. Willow wasn’t fine. She really didn’t like that. « Poor Oz. He had to be this way EVERY months! But now, it is worst...he doesn’t even exist! I have to bring my friends back! I cannot be everyone at the same time! Maybe I could throw a spell... » But her magic didn’t work. « For sure...in my dream, I don’t have magic... »

When she woke up, in the morning, Angel was standing beside her.
-Hi sweetheart ! How are you ?
–I ‘m fine.
-Perfect. Any visions?
« Yes, Cordelia had visons... »
-No, I don’t have any.
-Good. We have a big day today : 3 investigations to do.
« And worked with Angel for « Angel Investigations » ».
-Maybe you want some rest.
–No! I want to spend the day with you.
–I have no problems with that.
–OK. I just want to aaaaahhh!!!!!
Willow started screaming because she had a vision. She saw Tara, Buffy, Xander, Anya, Dawn, Spike, Oz and Cordelia looking at her, saying « it’s your fault, it’s your fault ». She heard Angel scream to know what she saw. And then, she fainted.

Willow was alone and lost, again. But that time, she didn’t see all her friends. She didn’t see anyone. She only saw a paper on which it was written : DO IT BY YOURSELF. And she woke up, with Weasley beside her. Weasley works for « Angel Investigations ».
–Are you OK?
-What did you see?
-Nothing. Hey Weasley, for what company do you work? -I work for you, in « Willow Investigations ». Are you sure you’re fine?
-Oh, yes!
-Great! Tonight, don’t forget you have to go to the Magic Shop, go around to fight the vampires, help me solve the incestigation on last night’s murder and...it is still the full moon, so you’ll be a werewolf.

And all became dark around her.

* * *

-Who is talking ?
-Listen to me...
-My name is Milowa, and I am here to punish you.
-Punish me for what ?
-You use your magic too much.
-But why am I punished for that ?
-You always want to control everything. When Tara got angry at you, you used a spell to make her forget. You are ALWAYS using your magic. So, I wanted to show you what it would look like if you controlled everything. So that’s why you became what your friends were. This way, you can control everything.
-But...I want my friends back ! I don’t want to control everything ! I promise I’ll use my magic less than before. I really don’t like it, like that.
-As you wish. But if you continue to use your magic too much, you will be back this way, AND NEVER SEE YOUR FRIENDS AGAIN ! ! !

* * *

-Willow ? Willow, wake up, fast ! You said you would go help Giles and Anya at the Magic Shop.
-Tara ?
-No, Santa Claus ! For sure, Tara !
-What day are we ?
-Saturday, and you are supposed to help Giles and Anya ! Come on !
-Oh, Tara ! Nothing of that arrived, I’m so happy !
-What are you talking about ?
-Nothing. I love you so much !

She woke up and went to kiss Tara. Then, she ran in the house to go hug Buffy and Dawn. She got dress, ran to Xander and Anya’s house to hug Xander, went to Spike’s shelter to hug him, arrived at the Magic Shop and hugged Anya and Giles. Then she called Ox, Angel and Cordelia to tell them how big she loved them. The rest of the day, her friends found her weird, but she didn’t care, and, most of all, she didn’t use her magic !

The end.

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