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Anya's Wishes

Ok, here goes my first rant.
If there's one thing that bugs me, it's continuity errors. I just finished watching Selfless and something is really bothering me. Anya's wishes have been taken back a few times....let's recap:

The Wish: Cordy's wish was reversed when Giles smashed the necklace. Giles said "In order to defeat Anyanka, one must destroy her powercenter. This should reverse all the wishes she's granted, rendering her mortal and powerless again." So, I guess you could say the punishment to the wish being taken back was that she became mortal.

Beneath You: After convincing from Xander, Anya turns the worm-demon back into a human. The only punishment was her teleporting powers were taken away for a week.

Selfless: Anya wants to take back the murder of the frat boys, and D'Hoffryn claims a wish can only be taken back if the score is evened out. He has to take a demon life and soul in order to give the human lives back.

Ok, first problem. When Anya's power center was destroyed in The Wish, all the wishes she granted were supposed to be reversed. Then, why, in Hells Bells did the guy she turned into monster come back still as a monster?? He should have returned to human form when Anya's necklace was smashed.
Second problem. Anya reversed Nancy's wish quite easily, her only punishment being she wasn't allowed to teleport. She didn't need D'Hoffryns help, and no demons died in the process. Why is it suddenly so different three episodes later?? It's quite a difference from "No Teleporting for a small amount of time" to "I'm killing your best friend". It's stupid! It's like they don't even try to keep things similar. Also, when Anya turned back Nancy's boyfriend, it didn't seem very difficult. I mean, they couldn't have been gone five minutes before he was human again. With the frat boys, they made it seem like some huge deal. It makes sense that things need to be balanced, because that happened when Buffy returned as well. But that was a completley different balancing tool. Why didn't they just create a bunch of possessing demons this time, too? I can understand the first problem, because writers can slip when there's three years difference. Three episodes isn't gunna slide so easily. The writers need to get their crap together and explain why they think we're stupid enough to just let things change from episode to episode, just so it suits the plot-line.

Ok, I'm done now.
If you think I'm wrong and you wanna yell at me...email me. If you agree and wanna tell me so...do the same thing. Wanna send in your own rant? Well, you get the idea.

Next week: Buffy-Bot Bitchings. (And don't get me wrong...I love the Buffy-Bot!)

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