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Fic by jane11282

This story is copywritten to it's author. If you take it without getting permission from them, I will attack you.

Alone in the Universe

It was 9:00 pm, and Buffy just came home from patrolling with Faith. She came home to the sound of the phone ringing. Seeing as she was alone, she ran to answer it. "Hello?" "Hi, Buffy." "Hello, Mr. Summers." It was obvious in her tone that she was still mad at him for not coming on her birthday. "I'm sorry I couldn't come. What did you do?" "I spent time with my friends." "Oh." After a long silence, he said, "I would like to make it up to you." "How?" "I'll be in Sunnydale on Friday. Would you like to have dinner with me?" "Sure." "Good. I'll pick you up at 6:00 pm." "Fine."

After school on Friday, Buffy came home and ran upstairs to get ready. After going through her entire closet, she started to panic. She called Willow, Cordela, and Faith to come over right away. When they did, she said, "I'm having dinner with my dad tonight, and I need an outfit that would make me look decent, but also one that I would be comfortable in. Please help." With in half an hour, her outfit was chosen and her friends left. Her dad-approving outfit was a white sleeveless blouse, brown dress pants, and black sandals. For her hair, she parted it in the centre and curled it, and for her make up, she kept it simple.

While she waited, she sat down on the couch and watched television. An hour later, the phone rang. "Dad, where are you?" "I'm sorry. I have to cancel again. I have a majaor deadline for Monday and I need to stay and finish my work." "Can't you come tonight and work all day tomorrow and Sunday?" "No, I really can't. Could we reschedule?" "I guess." "I am sorry, Buffy." "Yeah." "When she hung up, she started to cry.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, she found Angel standing there. His smile disappeared when he saw the tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" "My dad stood me up again." He came in, closed the door, and led her to the couch.

For the next 15 minutes, he just held her while she cried. "I'm glad you came." As he wiped her tears away, she felt herself coming closer to him. After she kissed him, she fell backwards into his arms and he held her while they watched television. At 10:00 pm, there was another knock at the door. "Hi, Buffy. May I come in?" "Sure." Her dad came in, carrying a bouquet of flowers and a small box. Inside was a brand new pair of ear rings. "Thanks, Dad."

During that time, Angel was quiet. Eventually, she had to make the introductions. "Angel, this is my dad Hank. Dad, this is Angel, my boyfriend." "Really...for how long?" "On and off for 2 years." "When were you going to tell me?" "I was going to tell you on my birthday, but you didn't show up." Tears immediately started to cloud her eyes and Angel put his arm around her.

"It's time for you to go now, Dad." "Why?" "I want you to leave." When he did, she collapsed into Angel's arms and cried. He carried her upstairs and put her to bed. As soon as he approached the window to leave, she said, "Come back here." "It's late." "Couldn't you just stay with me until I fall asleep?" He climbed in, pulled the covers over them and held her close.

The next morning, she woke up with a smile, because he stayed all night. After her shower, she came back wearing her towel. Even though he pretended to be asleep, he watched her as she got dressed. When she was done, she sat on the bed and put on her shoes. As she did, he got up and kissed her on her bare shoulder. "Did you sleep well?" "I feel better." "You want to go to the Bronze tonight?" "Sure. I'll meet you there." After she hugged and kissed him, she closed the blinds and left for her training session.

When she got to the Bronze, she saw Willow and OZ dancing while Angel and Xander were playing pool. After she kissed Angel, she got a drink and sat down. At the end of the song, all 5 of them transferred to the couches.

Once a slow song came on, Buffy took Angel's hand and led him to the dance floor, and Willow and OZ followed. As Xander watched them, he started to feel depressed. Part of him still missed Cordelia and it was completely unbearable tonight. So, he went to the bar, paid his bill, and left.

Later on, when Angel and Buffy got back to her house, she closed the door by pushing him against it and kissed him. A few minutes later, he carried her to the couch and sat down beside her. She caressed his cheek and kissed him again. Fifteen minutes later, they were interrupted by Joyce, who had just come home from work. "I see that you two are back together." "Yeah. Are you OK with it?" "I'm happy if you're happy." "I am." "Good."

When they were back in her room, he helped her get ready for bed. Once she was under the covers, he kissed her and sat in her chair. As soon as she was asleep, he kissed her one more time and left, through the window.

The End

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