
Inca Mummy Girl

Cordelia: Ooo! There's mine! Sven. Isn't he lunchable? Mine's definitely the best.
Buffy: What're you lookin' at?
Cordelia: Pictures of our exchange students. Look. 100% Swedish, 100% gorgeous, 100% staying at my house! So, how's yours? Visually, I mean.
Buffy: I don't know. Guy like?
Xander: By guy-like we are talking big, beefy, guy-like girl, right?

Xander: Hold on a sec. So, this person who's living with you for two weeks is a man. With man parts. This is a terrible idea.
Willow: What about the beautiful melding of two cultures? Xander: There's no melding, okay? He better keep his parts to himself.

Willow: You just don't like him 'cause of that time he beat you up every day for five years.
Xander: Yeah. I'm irrational that way.

Giles: You have responsibilities that other girls do not.
Buffy: Oh! I know this one! Slaying entails certain sacrifices, blah, blah, bity blah, I'm so stuffy, gimme a scone.
Giles: It's as if you know me.

Willow: On the other hand, maybe Rodney just stepped out for a smoke.
Xander: For twenty-one hours?
Willow: It's addictive, you know.

Xander: Oh, yeah. Fall for the old 'let me translate that ancient seal for ya' come on. Tsh. D'ya know how many times I've used that?

Willow: So, Ampata. You're a girl.
Ampata: Yes. For many years now.
Willow: And not a boy, 'cause we thought a boy was coming, and here ya are in a girl way!

Devon: Let me guess: not your type? What does a girl have to do to impress you?
Oz: Well, it involves a feathered boa and a theme to 'A Summer Place'. I can't discuss it here.
Devon: You're too picky, man. Do you know how many girls you could have? You're lead guitar, Oz. It's currency!
Oz: I'm not picky. You're just impressed by any pretty girl that can walk and talk.
Devon: She doesn't have to talk

Willow: Why are you suddenly so worried about looking like an idiot? That came out wrong.

Xander: Good, huh? And the exciting part is that they have no ingredients that a human can pronounce. So it doesn't leave you with that heavy... food feeling in your stomach.
Ampata: You are strange.
Xander: Girls always tell me that. Right before they run away.

Willow: Well, you know, I have a choice. I can spend my life waiting for Xander to go out with every other girl in the world until he notices me, or I can just get on with my life.
Buffy: Good for you.
Willow: Well, I didn't choose yet.

Buffy: Hey! Look at us! We came up with a plan. A good plan.
Giles: Alright. We'll meet there tonight after it closes.
Buffy: No! Bad plan. I have other plans. Dance plans. Canceled plans.

Xander: That's great! You're not a praying mantis, are you? Sorry, someone else.

Xander: I'm from the country of Leone. It's in Italy pretending to be Montana. And where are you from? The country of White Trash?

Oz: That girl. Who is she?
Devon: She's an exchange student. I think she's from South America.
Oz: No, not her. The Eskimo!

Sven: I thought this exchange student thing would be a *great* deal. But look what I got stuck with! 'Momento!' 'Punchy fruity drinky!' Is Cordelia even from this country?

Ampata: Looks like you've been keeping secrets from me! You're not a normal girl.
Buffy: And you are?

Buffy: I remember how I felt when I heard the prophecy that I was gonna die. I wasn't exactly obsessed with doing the right thing.
Xander: Yeah, but you did. You gave up your life.
Buffy: I had you to bring me back.
