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Amazing Sites

Penny Dreadful
The fanfiction archive of Puca Dentata. There's some real (maybe twisted, but real) talent there. The wallpapers are stunning and the fics are gripping.

Bite Me
This is just an overall good site. There's a large amount of multimedia, that has won the site some awards. Also, the webmaster (Fizz) is the nicest person ever.

I don't know what to say about this site...it's just really good! There are some great fanart challenges, who bring in some pretty talented contestants as well.

A beautiful B/A shipper site, with so many manipulations for the layouts. I don't think there's been an actual picture on the last 20 layouts!!! Waitaminute! This button is a manip...

Things That Make you go 'Duh!'
This site is so funny and so original. Some highlights are Try this on For Sighs (bad clothing choices) and Angels Keepsakes (things the webmaster suspects Angel has to remember Buffy by). It's great.

Buffy's Domain of Delight :: Close Your Eyes
This site is pretty popular...but it's popular for a reason! Just take a look...

Surrounded in Beauty
Wills is so amazingly talented and creative. Every wallpaper there is a work of beauty. The lyrics she attatches with each wallpaper are beautiful and well chosen for each.

Layout Design by: RPD
Site Owned By: Lisa