You’ve stumbled across a centaur! You try to ask for directions. “Have you seen the shine of Venus?” it replies, “simply stunning.” You think to ask again, but decide you’d better move on. Just then, the centaur speaks again. “I am supposed to remove myself from all situations, including yours,” it begins, “but I feel you need a bit of aid. So I propose a game. I am very choosy. I like certain things, but not others. There is, however, a rule to my madness. There is a message board below. Write down something, or a list of things, and I will tell you whether I like them or not. If you can find the rule, e-mail the headmistress. She’ll credit your house if you are correct.
“Some things to get you started:
”I love cookies, but not cake; deer but not does, bucks or fawns; queens but not kings. What is my rule?” The message board is here