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Amaro Yui

"Doom isn't my second nature. 'Tis my first." - Amaro

Name: Amaro Yui

Race: Human

Power: Shadow-based

Eyes: Red

Hair: Silver Blue

Weapon: Doom Scythe, Dragconis Sword, Punisher Arm Cannon

Amaro Yui is the former Angel of Death. Due to his tendency to take lives not ment to be ended yet, he was removed from this position and became human.

Amaro has been a major rival of Ren Rosso. The two have battled on several occasions.

Eventually, though, Amaro did join up with the Silver Dragons. He, unlike the other members, does not use a sword; instead, he uses a scythe-bladed staff. His expertise with this weapon earned him a reputation throughout all lands that know the Silver Dragons as a deadly warrior.