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Canosa Coruth

Name: Canosa Jay Coruth

Race: Brood

Power: Water- and Lightning-based

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Weapon: Knives, bows-and-arrows

Canosa is a rare variety of Brood. Not only is she an Arctic dragon - one of the rarest species - but she also has a genetic defect that renders her immune to DragonsBane - the plant that is fatally toxic to most dragons. Due to her mutation, it heals rather than harms her.

Canosa's dragon form, an Arctic dragon, is a vicious beast born and bred in the frigid north. Unlike most Broods, Canosa was raised by humans and did not discover her dragon identity until she was in her late twenties. Before then she was a Dragonslayer hunting for the Brood she believed, with rightful reason, had destroyed her adopted family's village - Sigma Faust.