The All mighty Milkball

So Picture this: It's mid afternoon and your lounging in your living room, reading quietly when, BAM, some one starts hammering on your door. You look up curiously from your book and ponder, "Hmmm, I wonder who that is..", as you peek out the window from your seat. Then, low and behold- Out the window you catch a glimse of what you swear, is Ryo Sanada, with the rest of the Ronin's behind him. So, of course, shocked and in disbelief, you dive off the couch and going flying across the kitchen floor, flailing and skidding in your socks until you finally manage to crash into the door. You fling it open and sure enough, there are the Ronin Warriors, standing on your doorstep.

Now of course you're a bit skeptical... These ARE the Ronins, after all, live and in person.. So why the devil are they visiting YOU?? Meanwhile, Ryo is looking completely stressed out and starts yelling, "Thank goodness we found you in time!! Our worlds are merging, the dynasty is trying to take over and LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS ABOUT TO END!!!!!" Most likely, your spazzed out, for a third time....but then...You see it... While he's going on his rant, you notice that on his shirt, it says in big red letters, "MILK BALL" in capital print. Now let me ask you something...can you really take a guy with Milkball sprawled hugely across his shirt, seriously? So naturally... You slam the door. ^_^

I haven't seen the magic milk ball shirt too many times.. It seemed to appear in the second OAV for the first time with out warning. And seeing as it DOES say Milkball in ridiculously huge lettering on the front, one can assume that it's an American Ryo probably purchased this baby while in NY, during the first OAV...Sure, it makes sense. There's a big trying battle, Luna dies, they throw flowers on the big bridge..and Ryo decides, "Hey..I think I'll go buy a shirt!!" Well, after a battle like that, I'd probably buy something random like that too.... must come to the conclusion that the Mystical Milkball shirt is owned jointly, by not only Ryo, but Kento AND Sage too...seeing as Kento is the one wearing it first in the second oav right before they transform...And after the battle, when they de-transform, magically Ryo's wearing it. Huh.. They must have had a little mix up there. Good thing Mia can't transform; that could have gotten a little freaky..^_^

One last thing... This milk ball thing has lead me to scheme...For instance the other day I was lounging about, when I realized that my best guy buddie looks..well, a lot like Ryo ^_^ Well..atleast he did, before he died half his hair blonde and dreadlocked it...Gah..None the less, I thought to myself, "Heh...wouldn't it be funny If I made him his very own big ugly milkball shirt.." ANd he'd wear it too! So, my newest mission is to construct a lovely little milkball shirt, present it to him, in which of course he will think it's the coolest thing in the world..(he's bizzare like that) and get a picture. Which of course, I shall post up here for the world to see ^_^

Got some random Milkball pics? Feel free to send them for display ^_^ Here's the latest one I found in my mailbox *thanks so much for sending it!*

Snazzy, eh? Kento and Ryo are DEFINITLY sharing clothes. ^_^O