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The Lundari Witch Trivia Contest

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A copy of Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man’s Chest 2-Disc DVD is up for grabs and you could be the one to win it. All you have to do is follow these three steps

1. Answer the 8 trivia questions below from my story The Lundari Witch: The Path of The Three Warriors.

2. Rate the story in the polls on the Lundari Witch web site (comments are optional, but would be appreciated) Please be honest.

3. Send your answers along with your name, e-mail address and mailing address to

And please tell others about this story. If I get enough positive response, the whole story may be published in book form someday and you can read the rest of it.

DVD will be purchased in the United States and may not play on DVD players outside of the U.S. If you are living outside the U.S.A, you’re still welcome to enter the contest, but make sure your DVD player will play the discs.

This site is NOT endorsed by Disney


Contest begins on October 9, 2006 and ends at noon (Pacific Time) on December 3, 2006. The twenty-five people with the most correct trivia answers (or all those with the correct answers. Whichever is more) will be entered into a raffle drawing from which one winner will be selected. That winner will receive the DVD and will be notified wither on December 4th or 5th. DVD will be sent to the winner via Priority Mail or as soon as possible.

To go to the Lundari Witch web site, click here


1. True or False Hadassah wears a pearl necklace that she has a habit of playing with when she’s in deep thought.

2. What kind of fruit juice causes the Lundari Witches and the Dread Warlock lose their powers?

3. Esther Rowan tells her children that there is no such place as.....
A) The Realm of the Dragons
B) West Valley
C) The Garden of Light
D) Aquian

4. What do Tobias and Hadassah see approaching Windbluff at the end of chapter 2?

5. True or False The stranger in chapter three comes to Windbluff because he senses that Lundari power is there.

6. Who tells Tobias his house is on fire?

7. What is the only possession of Samuel Rowan’s that survived the fire?

8. After the fire, Tobias gets a job as a
A) Cabin Boy
B) Bounty Hunter
C) Musician
D) Guide

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