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Emerald's Album

Emerald's Album

This is me and my brother at Scarborough Faire taken this year. Yes I am envious of his hair....

From left to right is: Draco my brother, Brandon my son, My friend Hevon, Willie my youngest son, in the background is a gentleman that is the human statue,and is so awesome at that!, myself and then Veit the meat

Same people as before except for on the right the seedy looking pirate is Talon from Talon Comics aka Barclay or for those of us who know him Derek.

Say Cheese Gary! You're on candid camera!

Taken the next week after all the rain had pretty much ruined my green underdress. Now I need to get a hoop for under the gown and I will be all set.

Isn't he such a rogue?

These are various people that have meant something very special to me in my life and even though they may not be with me any longer for various reasons they helped shape me to who I am now.

Belle and Sean, my Irish Rose and my Celtic Knight, Aunt Em will always love you-

Admin Thon aka the man behind Thogaf Mensk who helped make Emerald who she truely was. You are missed my friend.

Eldarion melamin what can I say other than Amin Mella lle?

Justin the mage who once brought life to the paladin and shared many of my darkest hours. Thank you.

Seth Morgan my dearest friend, as always my heart will go on.

My precious and bubba... you are always with me

My youngest brother and the one that always keeps all my secrets and loves me like no other, you sir are always my favorite black dragon.

My Grandma Mary, my guardian angel and the one who speaks to my heart still after leaving us all. I love and miss you so still. Rest in peace.

My papaw Adrian who never once complained about being in more pain that any one person should have had to endure with his fight of cancer. May you find peace and that winning lotto ticket papaw where ever you are now.