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Remington Steele Quotes


"What are you doing?" - Donald      "Dusting for prints." - Murphy      "He's dusting for prints?  Why is he dusting for prints?" - Carl       "Because it's my dusting kit." - Murphy      In the Steele of the Night

"Fear can be a most intoxicating brew." - Remington  Thou Shalt Not Steele

Mildred: "Does that mean we have to call him 'Your Lordship'?"     Laura: "There are a great many things I'd like to call him, but that's not on the top of my list."   Steele Searching, Part 2

Mildred: "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"     Laura: "Of course not, Mildred, but when has that stopped us before?"     Diced Steele

"We're all actors at one time or another.  Some of us just have better roles." - Remington Steele     Stronger Than Steele

"I'm a detective.  I'm going to detect." - Laura Holt    Lofty Steele

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