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Chapter 2

Pain in the Neck

When she told her father her decision, he said that it would be OK. Surprised at how easy it was, she went and began to pack her things. She was to leave in two days, giving her just enough time to get the supplies she would need in the rigorous training she would have to go through. With her, she brought her servant and friend, Rikki, a Yamani healer. Rikki was highly skilled in self-defense and healing, which would make her truly useful on Farah’s quest.

On her day-long trip to Corus was rough, but Farah didn’t say anything. Things like this would toughen her up for the trials ahead.

As she rode into Corus on horse, every body stared at her, and she could her them saying things like “Is that the Girl?” or “She won’t last a week”. Well I’ll show them, she thought.

As soon as she arrived in the palace, she was asked to go King Jonathon’s Throne Room. When she walked in, she was confronted by her mentors Alanna of Pirate’s Swoop and Olau and Keladry of Mindelan. They were both happy to see another girl trying to be a page. Farah, overwhelmed, walked in and saw the most handsomest person she had ever met. King Jonathon. He made her aware that she was not to get any special privileges, except that she would get a personal bath in her room. She nodded so many times, she pulled a muscle in her neck. She giggled with a sour face at what had happened. The king smiled and asked,” Would you mind sharing what is so funny?” Her face turned ruby red, and tried to shake her head, too embarrassed to speak, but found she couldn’t. She started laughing, and told him what had happened. When she was done explaining, she found herself repeatedly apologizing. When she was dismissed, Keladry was waiting outside.

Chapter 3 hasn’t been written yet.

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