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Chapter 11

     A sudden flash of bright light distracted everyone, including the Chimaera. Five people fell from the sky.
     “Hey! More people! And they fell from the sky too!” exclaimed Dom. Everyone was too annoyed to say anything, but Daine muttered something very like, “Idiot!”
     “Come on! They might be hurt! Let’s go help! Since they did just fall from the sky, which is pretty high. When   Kel fell, she broke her leg. They might be hurt too!” said Dom.
     Daine couldn’t resist. “No, I don’t think so. People don’t get hurt by falling out of the sky, Dom!”
     By this time, all the others were over helping the newcomers.
     “Are you OK?” asked Lily, concerned.
     “Yeah, we’re all fine,” replied Daja.
     “WHAT DID YOU DO!?” Niko started to rant. “…DECIDEDLY IRRESPONSIBLE!” He was yelling at thin air.
     “So when do you think he’ll stop yelling and notice that there is a very angry Chimaera behind him?” asked Sirius interestedly.
     “NIKO!!!!!!” yelled four voices. “MOVE!!!!!!!!!!”
     “Oh, now you’ve gone and spoiled it!” said James. “It would have been interesting.” Niko turned tail and ran.
     “Hi Niko!” said Sandry cheerfully. “Meet our new friends!”
     “I’m Lily Evans. I’m 15, and I’m a witch,” said the redhead, who looked to be about 11 at first sight, thought Niko, but looking closer he could see she was, indeed, 15.
     “I’m Sirius. But not serious. As in S-I-R-I-U-S, not S-E”
     “D***, Siri! He gets it. I’m Lupin. Remus Lupin. We’re both 17.”
     “And I,” James said with a flourish, “am Mr. James Potter, at your service. But not literally.”
     “I’m Michelle, and this is Kalina and Arabella,” the blue-haired girl said, pointing to two other girls, who, to Niko’s relief, seemed quite normal.
     “I am Domitan of Masbolle, this is Nealan of Queenscove, Cleon of Kennan, Keladry of Mindelan, Master Numair Salmalin, and Veralidaine Sarrasri,” said a man, once again pointing to each of his comrades.”
     “I am Niklarin Goldeye, this is Lady Sandrilene fa Toren, Daja Kisubo, Trisana Chandler, and Briar Moss,” Niko said.
     “Excuse me, but there is still a Chimaera behind us, and it’s getting closer. Maybe we should do something before it eats us!” said Dom.
~ ~ ~

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